
Changes in Veza release v2023.10.2

Access Intelligence

New Features

  • EAC-27716 Entity Risk Scores: All entities now have a Risk Score attribute of 0-100, which is based on the number of queries with a critical or warning risk level that the entity is in the results of. You can create queries and rules to detect and alert when risk scores change or exceed a threshold.


  • FR-1504: Dashboards now show trends over time as the default view, instead of total result counts.

  • EAC-27496 Assessment Queries for Snowflake: Out-of-the-box Saved Queries now include Snowflake Users with Database Access, Snowflake Inert Users, Snowflake Super Users, Snowflake Users with Default Roles, Snowflake Users with Privileged Access, Snowflake Users with Privileged Role as Default Role, Snowflake Inert Roles.

Access Reviews

New Features

  • EAC-26127: Admins and operators can now choose a combination of several destination entity types when creating a workflow.

Bug Fixes

  • EAC-23049: Filters on notification status can only use the eq (equals) operator. Filters on notes can only use the co (contains) operator. Other operators are now disabled when applying a filter on one of these columns.


  • FR-1535: Certification view for mobile devices now supports landscape mode and is compatible with iPhone 12 Pro.

Veza Integrations

New Features

  • FR-1429 PingOne (Early Access): A Veza-built integration is now available for discovering Users, Groups, and Roles, along with Populations, Applications, and external Identity Providers.

  • EAC-26898: An enhanced Configurations page for managing Veza integrations is now enabled for all customers.

Last updated