

  • Added the option to connect to Snowflake using Key Pair authentication.

  • Added support for Salesforce Validation Rules, with a new node to show the rule attributes is_active, updated_at, and last_modified_by.

  • AWS Identity Center now correctly appears on the list of optional services to discover when configuring an AWS integration.

Query Builder

  • Added the option to pick an operator (such as greater than or less than) on grouped entity count.

  • For significantly improved performance, searches now implement pagination and are sorted on the source entity type when using the grouped by option.

Usability and General Enhancements

  • Email notifications: The link to open a rule in Veza is now part of the alert message body (instead of the subject).

  • For visual clarity, the ID column is now hidden by default when using the Query Builder and on the Entities page. You can use the column picker to show IDs when needed to distinguish between entities with the same name.

  • Improved readability when applying date-based constraints.

  • Tables are now sorted by default (on entity name).

  • The default date and time format is now the relative description (1 day ago, 2 hours ago). You can click the date to view absolute timestamps for the local timezone or UTC.

  • The Deliver Alert option now correctly shows the current state when editing saved Rules.

  • The Entity Catalog is now the Data Catalog > Entities page

Last updated