Deploy with AWS EC2

This document provides instructions to start an AWS EC2 virtual machine and run an Insight Point as a Docker image. For generic instructions for Docker (suitable for Azure VMs), see Deploy with Docker on Ubuntu or Deploy with Docker on RHEL.


Follow the instructions to launch a new AWS EC2 instance, install prerequisites, and download and run the Insight Point. You can opt to use an existing EC2 instance, provided that the docker version is 19.09 or later.

  • Start an EC2 instance

    • Ensure that the region where you want to initialize the instance is selected

    • Click Launch Instance

    • Add a name for the instance ("Veza Insight Point")

    • Choose Amazon Linux 2023 OS image

    • Dedicate at least 2 CPU, 4GB RAM for the instance

    • Choose an existing key pair or create a new one

  • Install Docker. On Amazon Linux 2023:

    • Connect to the instance using SSH.

    • Update package list sudo yum update -y

    • Install Docker sudo yum -y install docker

    • Add the ec2-user to the docker group sudo usermod -a -G docker ec2-user

    • Start Docker sudo service docker start

    • Change the permissions of the docker.sock sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock

    • Enable Docker service sudo systemctl enable docker

  • Install Docker Compose:

    • Download Docker Compose plugin from the repo:

      sudo curl -L$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

    • Apply permissions to the binary:

      sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

  • Configure and run the Insight Point:

    • Generate an Insight Point Registration key under Veza Configuration > Insight Point. Back up a copy of the Insight Point key in a secure location - it cannot be recovered if lost.

    • Set the Insight Point Registration key as an environment variable export VEZA_IP_REGISTER_KEY=[key from the Veza tenant]

    • Download and save the docker-compose.yml file:

      curl -o docker-compose.yml
    • Edit the compose file to change environment variables, or enable proxy servers or custom certificates.

  • Start Docker Container

    • docker-compose up --detach

  • To discover standalone RDS or Trino databases, ensure that Security Group Inbound Rules allow communication to and from the Insight Point's outbound IP address.

Verifying Connectivity

You can run the following commands to verify to inspect logs for any errors. First, get the container ID of the Veza Insight Point:

docker ps -a

Next, follow the Insight Point docker container logs. You can press CTL+C to exit or omit the -f parameter. Replace <CONTAINER_ID> with the Insight Point Docker Container ID from the earlier command:

docker logs -f <CONTAINER_ID>

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