Scheduled Exports of Query Results via a Secure Email Link
Schedule secure CSV exports of query results delivered to an email recipient.
Veza users can now schedule a periodic export (daily, weekly, etc.) of query results delivered via a secure link in email. When configured, recipients receive a secure link in email which they can download only if they have permission to view the query’s results in Veza.
When clicking a link to download a scheduled export, users are redirected to the Veza login page for Single Sign On (SSO), and the results are downloaded in CSV format. This enables Veza users to share sensitive query results data with other stakeholders while ensuring query data from Veza is protected.
Link Expiration
Download links expire after 28 days from the export date. This is a security measure to protect customer data. Expired links cannot be reactivated. If you need to keep the links active beyond 28 days, please contact the Veza support team.
Granting Download Access
Recipients must have appropriate Veza permissions to download the data. Users must have one of these roles: Admin, Operator, or Viewer. User permissions are checked at download time, and users without sufficient permissions will be unable to download the results.
Users must have one of these Veza roles:
For users with other roles (e.g.,
):Assign them the
role in addition to their current roleThis grants them access to view and download query results
Note: This also gives them access to other queries and dashboards
Contact Veza Support if you need more granular permissions
For more information about Veza teams and roles, see User Management. For technical support or to request modifications to the link expiration period, please contact your Veza support representative.
How scheduled exports work:
Click on “Schedule Export” on the kebab menu on a query’s details page or query builder page:
Select the CSV Via Secure Link in Email option in the next window:
Configure the schedule and recipient email address
At the scheduled intervals, recipients will receive an email containing basic usage instructions and:
A secure link to download the query results
The query name and execution timestamp
Scheduling Saved Query Exports
You can enable scheduled exports when saving a query. To schedule exports for a saved query:
Click on a Dashboard tile to open the query details, or find the query on the Access Visibility > Queries page.
From the Query Details view (Query Actions > Schedule Export)
Choose a query on the Separation of Duties overview and choose Schedule Export from the row actions.
To configure the exports from the Save Query page:
On the Scheduled Exports tab, click CSV via Secure Link in Email
Choose a single email recipient
Choose an export time (UTC)
Choose the days of the week for the export to run
(Optional) Configure additional settings for the export:
Include all source tags in results: Add a column for Veza Tags or provider-native tags on source entities.
Include all destination tags in results: Add a column for tags on destination entities.
Show {Destination Entity} properties: Add columns for attributes on the destination entity type.
Show Summary Entities: Add a column for a summary of entities between the source and destination nodes (if specified in the original query).
Use the Queries > Exports tab page to review all queries that have been exported or are scheduled for export. The status column indicates whether the results were exported successfully. Use the actions menu to:
Edit scheduling settings
Rerun an export
Cancel an in-progress export
Last updated
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