List saved queries

ListAssessmentQueries retrieves a list of all built-in and user-created queries.

By default, this endpoint returns only the queries that are currently enabled. When the risks_only parameter is set to true, it will only return queries with a risk level.

Sample request

curl -X 'GET' \
"$BASE_URL/api/v1/assessments/queries?page_size=1&risks_only=true&filter=name+co+%22User%22" \
-H "authorization: Bearer $VEZA_TOKEN"

Sample response:

  "values": [
      "id": "95ccaca3-c9f6-4711-9219-887e5c102701",
      "name": "AWS IAM Groups with iam:CreateAccessKey permission",
      "description": "AWS IAM Groups with iam:CreateAccessKey permission",
      "result_type": "NUMBER",
      "query_type": "SYSTEM_CREATED",
      "raw_permissions": {
        "values": [],
        "operator": "AND"
      "effective_permissions": {
        "values": [],
        "operator": "AND"
      "variables": [
      "source_node_types": {
        "nodes": [
            "node_type": "AwsIamGroup",
            "tags": [],
            "conditions": [],
            "condition_expression": {
              "specs": [
                  "fn": "IN",
                  "property": "aws_account_id",
                  "value": [
                  "not": false,
                  "value_property_name": "",
                  "value_property_from_other_node": false
              "child_expressions": [],
              "operator": "AND",
              "not": false
            "node_id": "",
            "excluded_tags": [],
            "count_conditions": [],
            "direct_relationship_only": false,
            "node_type_grouping_constraint": null
        "nodes_operator": "AND"
      "required_intermediate_node_types": {
        "nodes": [],
        "nodes_operator": "AND"
      "avoided_intermediate_node_types": {
        "nodes": [],
        "nodes_operator": "AND"
      "destination_node_types": {
        "nodes": [],
        "nodes_operator": "AND"
      "no_relation": false,
      "access_filter": null,
      "created_by": "",
      "visibility": "PUBLIC",
      "owners": [],
      "node_relationship_type": "CONFIGURED",
      "integration_types": [
      "labels": [],
      "created_at": "2023-02-01T04:32:18.126875729Z",
      "updated_at": "2023-04-07T16:00:52.761867936Z",
      "source_type": "AwsIamGroup",
      "destination_types": [],
      "relates_to_exp": {
        "specs": [
            "node_types": {
              "nodes": [
                  "node_type": "AwsIamGroupedPermission",
                  "tags": [],
                  "conditions": [],
                  "condition_expression": {
                    "specs": [
                        "fn": "LIST_CONTAINS",
                        "property": "permissions",
                        "value": "iam:CreateAccessKey",
                        "not": false,
                        "value_property_name": "",
                        "value_property_from_other_node": false
                        "fn": "EXISTS",
                        "property": "deny",
                        "value": null,
                        "not": true,
                        "value_property_name": "",
                        "value_property_from_other_node": false
                    "child_expressions": [],
                    "operator": "AND",
                    "not": false
                  "node_id": "",
                  "excluded_tags": [],
                  "count_conditions": [],
                  "direct_relationship_only": false,
                  "node_type_grouping_constraint": null
              "nodes_operator": "AND"
            "required_intermediate_node_types": null,
            "avoided_intermediate_node_types": null,
            "raw_permissions": null,
            "effective_permissions": null,
            "no_relation": false,
            "direction": "ANY_DIRECTION"
        "child_expressions": [],
        "operator": "AND",
        "not": false,
        "and_op_type": "INFERRED"
      "all_entity_condition": {
        "specs": [],
        "child_expressions": [],
        "operator": "AND",
        "not": false
      "risk_level": "WARNING",
      "risk_suppressed_constraints": null,
      "analysis_type": "UNSET",
      "result": 0,
      "result_evaluated_at": null,
      "result_evaluated": false
  "next_page_token": "eyJOZXh0Q3Vy==",
  "has_more": true

See Parameters for more information about the saved query object.

Last updated