
Classes for constructing an OAA JSON payload (Custom "Application" or "IdP").

Copyright 2022 Veza Technologies Inc.

Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.

Global Variables


function append_helper

append_helper(base, addition)

Helper function to simplify appending.

Handles multiple cases:

  • base is None: starts a list

  • addition is list: extends base with list

  • addition is anything else: append element to list


  • base (List or None): base list to append to, can be None

  • addition (*): What to append to the list


  • list: will always return a list

function unique_strs

unique_strs(input: 'list') → list

Returns a list of unique strings from input list case insensitive

Returns the unique list of strings from input list in a case insensitive manner. For duplicate strings with different cast (e.g. "STRING" and "string") the case of the first occurrence is returned.


  • input (list): list of strings


  • list: list of unique strings

class OAATemplateException

General exception used for violations of the template schema.

method __init__


class OAAPermission

Canonical permissions used by Veza Authorization Framework.

Used to describe the raw data or metadata permissions granted by CustomPermission

class OAAIdentityType

Types of identities for permission mapping.

class Provider

Base class for CustomProvider.

method __init__

__init__(name, custom_template)

method serialize


class Application

Base class for CustomApplication.

method __init__

__init__(name, application_type, description=None)

class CustomApplication

Class for modeling application authorization using the OAA Application template.

CustomApplication class consists of identities, resources and permissions and produces the OAA JSON payload for the custom application template.

Class uses dictionaries to track most entities that can be referenced after creation. Dictionaries keys are case insensitive of the entity identifier (name or id). This applies to local_users, local_groups, local_roles, idp_identities, resources and custom_permissions.


  • name (str): Name of custom application

  • application_type (str): Searchable property, can be unique or shared across multiple applications

  • description (str, optional): Description for application. Defaults to None.


  • application_type (str): Searchable application type

  • custom_permissions (dict[OAAPermission]): Dictionary of class instances

  • description (str): Description for application

  • identity_to_permissions (dict): Mapping of authorizations for identities to resources

  • idp_identities (dict[IdPIdentity]): Contains federated identities without a corresponding local account

  • local_groups (dict[LocalGroup]): Contains application groups (collections of users)

  • local_roles (dict[LocalRole]): Contains application roles (collections of permissions)

  • local_users (dict[LocalUser]): Contains users local to the application and their properties

  • name (str): Name of custom application

  • properties (dict): key value pairs of property values, property keys must be defined as part of the property_definitions

  • property_definitions (ApplicationPropertyDefinitions): Custom property names and types for the application

  • resources (dict[CustomResource]): Contains data resources and subresources within the application

method __init__

__init__(name: 'str', application_type: 'str', description: 'str' = None) → None

method add_access

add_access(identity, identity_type, permission, resource=None)

Legacy method for backwards compatibility.

.. deprecated:


### <kbd>method</kbd> `add_access_cred`

add_access_cred(unique_id: 'str', name: 'str') → AccessCred

Create an Access Credential

Access creds can be used to represent alternative access methods such as API keys or application integrations.

Access creds can be assigned roles and permissions similar to local users. Access credentials can exist independently for use cases such as administratively created integrations or can be assigned to a local user for use cases like personal access tokens.


  • unique_id (str): unique identifier for access cred

  • name (str): name for access cred


  • OAATemplateException: Access credential with unique ID already exists


  • AccessCred: New access cred

method add_custom_permission

    name: 'str',
    permissions: 'List[OAAPermission]',
    apply_to_sub_resources: 'bool' = False,
    resource_types: 'List[str]' = None
) → CustomPermission

Create a new custom permission.

Creates a new CustomPermission object for the application that can be used to authorize identities to the application, resources/sub-resource or as part of a role.


  • name (str): Name of the permission

  • permissions (list[OAAPermission]): Canonical permissions the custom permission represents

  • apply_to_sub_resources (bool, optional): If true, when permission is applied to the application or resource, identity also has permission to all children of application/resource. Defaults to False.

  • resource_types (list, optional): List of resource types as strings that the permission relates to. Defaults to empty list.

Returns: CustomPermission

method add_idp_identity

add_idp_identity(name: 'str') → IdPIdentity

Create an IdP principal identity.

IdP users and groups can be authorized directly to applications and resources by associating custom application permissions and roles with an IdP identity's name or email.


  • name (str): IdP unique identifier for user or group.

Returns: IdPIdentity

method add_local_group

    name: 'str',
    identities: 'List[str]' = None,
    unique_id: 'str' = None
) → LocalGroup

Create a new local group.

Groups can be associated to resources via permissions or roles. All users in the local group are granted the group's authorization.

Local groups will be identified by name by default, if unique_id is provided it will be used as the identifier instead

Local groups can be referenced after creation using .local_groups dictionary attribute. Dictionary is case insensitive keyed by unique_id or name if not using unique_id.


  • name (str): Display name for group

  • identities (list): List of IdP identities to associate group with.

  • unique_id (str, optional): Unique identifier for group for reference by ID

Returns: LocalGroup

method add_local_role

    name: 'str',
    permissions: 'List[str]' = None,
    unique_id: 'str' = None
) → LocalRole

Create a new local role.

  • A local role represents a collection of permissions.

  • Identities (local user, group, idp user) can be assigned a role to the application or resource, granting the role's permissions.

  • Local roles will be identified by name by default, if unique_id is provided it will be used as the identifier instead.

  • Local roles can be referenced after creation if needed through .local_roles case insensitive dictionary attribute.

  • When a permission that has resource_types is added to a role, it will only apply to resources with a matching resource_type


  • name (str): Display name for role

  • permissions (list): List of Custom Permission names to include in role. CustomPermission must be created separately.

  • unique_id (str, optional): Unique identifier for role for reference by ID

Returns: LocalRole

method add_local_user

    name: 'str',
    identities: 'List[str]' = None,
    groups: 'List[str]' = None,
    unique_id: 'str' = None
) → LocalUser

Create a new local user for application.

Local users can be assigned to groups and associated with resources via permissions or roles. Groups and identities can be provided at creation or added later. See Identity and LocalUser class for operations.

Local users will be identified by name by default, if unique_id is provided it will be used as the identifier instead.

Local users can be referenced after creation using the .local_users dictionary attribute. Dictionary is case insensitivekeyed by unique_id or name if not using unique_id.

Use unique_id when name is not guaranteed to be unique. All permission, group and role assignments will be referenced by unique_id.


  • name (str): Display name for user

  • identities (list): List of identities as strings (usually email) for local user. Used to map local user to discovered IdP identities.

  • groups (list[LocalGroup]): List of group names (as string) to add user to

  • unique_id (str, optional): Unique identifier for user for reference by ID

Returns: LocalUser

method add_resource

    name: 'str',
    resource_type: 'str',
    description: 'str' = None,
    unique_id: 'str' = None
) → CustomResource

Create a new resource under the application.

Resource type is used to group and filter application resources. It should be consistent for all common resources of an application.

Returns new resource object.

Resource is identified by name by default unless unique_id is provided. name must be unique if not using unique_id.

Resources can be referenced after creation using the .resources dictionary attribute. Dictionary is keyed by unique_id or name if not using unique_id. Use unique_id when name is not guaranteed to be unique.


  • name (str): Name of resources

  • resource_type (str): Type for resource

  • description (str, optional): Description of resources. Defaults to None.

  • unique_id (str, optional): Unique identifier for resource. defaults to None.

Returns: CustomResource

method add_tag

add_tag(key: 'str', value: 'str' = '') → None

Add a tag to the Application


  • key (str): Key for tag, aka name. Must be present and must be letters, numbers or _ (underscore) only.

  • value (str, optional): Value for Tag, will appear in Veza as key:value. Must be letters, numbers, whitespace and the special characters @,._- only. Defaults to "".

method app_dict

app_dict() → dict

Return the 'applications' section of the payload as serializable dictionary.

method define_custom_permission

    custom_permission: 'CustomPermission'
) → CustomPermission

Add a custom permission to the application.

.. deprecated: ``` See CustomApplication.add_custom_permission()


 - <b>`custom_permission`</b> (CustomPermission):  CustomPermission class


 - <b>`Exception`</b>:  Duplicate Keys


 - <b>`CustomPermission`</b>:  The defined custom Permission


### <kbd>method</kbd> `get_identity_to_permissions`

get_identity_to_permissions() → list

Collect authorizations for all identities into a single list.

method get_payload

get_payload() → dict

Get the OAA payload.

Returns the complete OAA template payload for application as serializable dictionary


  • dict: OAA payload as dictionary

method permissions_dict

permissions_dict() → dict

Return the 'permissions' section of the payload as serializable dictionary.

method set_property

    property_name: 'str',
    property_value: 'any',
    ignore_none: 'bool' = False
) → None

Set a custom property value for the application.

Property name must be defined for CustomApplication before calling set_property. See example below and ApplicationPropertyDefinitions.define_application_property for more information on defining properties.


  • property_name (str): Name of property to set value for, property names must be defined as part of the application property_definitions

  • property_value (Any): Value for property, type should match OAAPropertyType for property definition

  • ignore_none (bool, optional): Do not set property if value is None. Defaults to False.


  • OAATemplateException: If property name is not defined

Example: app = CustomApplication("App", application_type="example") >>> app.property_definitions.define_application_property(name="my_property", property_type=OAAPropertyType.STRING) >>> app.set_property("my_property", "property value")

class CustomResource

Class for resources and sub-resources.

Should be used for representing components of the application to which authorization is granted. Each resource has a name and a type. The type can be used for grouping and filtering.


  • name (str): display name for resource, must be unique to parent application or resource unless using unique_id

  • resource_type (str): type for resource

  • description (str): description for resource

  • application_name (str): name of parent application

  • resource_key (str, optional): for sub-resources the full unique identifier required for identity_to_permissions section. Defaults to name or unique_id if not provided.

  • property_definitions (ApplicationPropertyDefinitions, optional): Property definitions structure for the resource

  • unique_id (str, optional): Optional unique identifier for the resource. Defaults to None.


  • name (str): display name for resource, must be unique to parent application or resource

  • unique_id (str): resource's unique identifier if provided.

  • resource_type (str): type for resource

  • application_name (str): name of parent application

  • resource_key (str): for sub-resources represents the sub-resource's parent path

  • sub_resources (dict): dictionary of sub-resources keyed by name

  • properties (dict): dictionary of properties set for resource

  • tags (list[Tag]): list of tags

method __init__

    name: 'str',
    resource_type: 'str',
    description: 'str',
    application_name: 'str',
    resource_key: 'str' = None,
    property_definitions: 'ApplicationPropertyDefinitions' = None,
    unique_id: 'str' = None
) → None

method add_access

add_access(identity, identity_type, permission)

No longer supported, access should be added through identity (local_user, local_group, idp)

method add_resource_connection

add_resource_connection(id: 'str', node_type: 'str') → None

Add an external connection to the resource.

Used to add a relationship to another entity discovered by Veza such as a service account or AWS IAM role.


  • id (str): Unique identifier for connection entity

  • node_type (str): Veza type for connecting node

method add_sub_resource

    name: 'str',
    resource_type: 'str',
    description: 'str' = None,
    unique_id: 'str' = None
) → CustomResource

Create a new sub-resource under current resource


  • name (str): display name for resource

  • resource_type (str): type for resource

  • description (str, optional): String description. Defaults to None.

  • unique_id (str, optional): Unique identifier for new subresource, Defaults to name.

Returns: CustomResource

method add_tag

add_tag(key: 'str', value: 'str' = '') → None

Add a new tag to resource.


  • key (str): Key for tag, aka name. Must be present and must be letters, numbers or _ (underscore) only.

  • value (str, optional): Value for Tag, will appear in Veza as key:value. Must be letters, numbers, whitespace and the special characters @,._- only. Defaults to "".

method set_property

    property_name: 'str',
    property_value: 'any',
    ignore_none: 'bool' = False
) → None

Set the value for a custom property on a resource or sub-resource.

Property name must be defined for resource type before calling set_property(). See example below and ApplicationPropertyDefinitions.define_resource_property for more information on defining properties.


  • property_name (str): Name of property to set value for

  • property_value (Any): Value for property, type should match OAAPropertyType for property definition

  • ignore_none (bool, optional): Do not set property if value is None. Defaults to False.


  • OAATemplateException: If property_name is not defined

Example: app = CustomApplication("App", application_type="example") >>> app.property_definitions.define_resource_property(resource_type="cog", name="my_property", property_type=OAAPropertyType.STRING) >>> cog1 = app.add_resource(name="cog1", resource_type="cog") >>> cog1.set_property("my_property", "this value")

method to_dict

to_dict() → dict

Return the dictionary representation of resource.

class Identity

Base class for deriving all identity types (should not be used directly).


  • name (str): name of identity

  • identity_type (OAAIdentityType): Veza Identity Type (local_user, local_group, idp)

  • unique_id (str, optional): ID of entity for reference by ID


  • name (str): name of identity

  • identity_type (OAAIdentityType): Veza Identity Type (local_user, local_group, idp)

  • application_permissions (list[CustomPermission]): List of permissions identity has directly to custom application

  • resource_permissions (dict): Dictionary of custom permissions associated with resources and sub-resources. Key is permission, value is list of resource keys

  • application_roles (LocalRole): List of roles identity has directly to custom application

  • resource_roles (dict): Dictionary of local_roles for resources and sub-resources. Key is roles, value is list of resource keys

  • properties (dict): Dictionary of properties for identity, allowed values will vary by identity type

  • tags (list[Tag]): List of tags

method __init__

    name: 'str',
    identity_type: 'OAAIdentityType',
    unique_id: 'str' = None,
    property_definitions: 'ApplicationPropertyDefinitions' = None
) → None

method add_permission

    permission: 'str',
    resources: 'List[CustomResource]' = None,
    apply_to_application: 'bool' = False
) → None

Add a permission to an identity.

Permission can apply to either the application or application resource/sub-resources


  • permissions ([str]): List of strings representing the permission names

  • resource (CustomResource, optional): Custom resource, if None permission is applied to application. Defaults to None.

  • apply_to_application (bool): Apply permission to application when True, defaults to False

method add_role

    role: 'str',
    resources: 'List[CustomResource]' = None,
    apply_to_application: 'Optional[bool]' = None,
    assignment_properties: 'Optional[dict]' = None
) → None

Add a role to an identity.

Role to authorize identity to either the application or application resource/sub-resource based on role's permissions.

Role assignment properties can be set with the assignment_properties dictionary parameter with property names as the keys. Role assignment properties types must be defined on the application prior to setting.


  • role (str): Name of role as string

  • resources (List[CustomResource], optional): Custom resource, if None role is applied to application. Defaults to None.

  • apply_to_application (bool, optional): Apply permission to application when True, False will replace existing value, None will leave previous setting if any

  • assignment_properties (dict, optional): Custom properties for the role assignment. Defaults to no properties.

method add_tag

add_tag(key: 'str', value: 'str' = '') → None

Add a new tag to identity.


  • key (str): Key for tag, aka name. Must be present and must be letters, numbers or _ (underscore) only.

  • value (str, optional): Value for Tag, will appear in Veza as key:value. Must be letters, numbers, whitespace and the special characters @,._- only. Defaults to "".

method get_identity_to_permissions

get_identity_to_permissions(application_name: 'str') → dict

Get a JSON serializable dictionary of all the identity's permissions and roles.

Formats the identity's permissions and roles for the Custom Application template payload


  • dict: JSON serializable dictionary of all the identity's permissions and roles

method set_property

    property_name: 'str',
    property_value: 'any',
    ignore_none: 'bool' = False
) → None

Set a custom defined property to a specific value on an identity.

Property name must be defined for identity type before calling set_property(). See example below for LocalUser and ApplicationPropertyDefinitions.define_local_user_property for more information on defining properties. Property must be defined for the correct Identity type (LocalUser or LocalGroup, IdPIdentity does not support custom properties).


  • property_name (str): Name of property to set value for

  • property_value (Any): Value for property, type should match OAAPropertyType for property definition

  • ignore_none (bool, optional): Do not set property if value is None. Defaults to False.


  • OAATemplateException: If property with property_name is not defined.


app = CustomApplication("App", application_type="example") >>> app.property_definitions.define_local_user_property(name="my_property", property_type=OAAPropertyType.STRING) >>> user1 = app.add_local_user(name="user1") >>> user1.set_property("my_property", "value for user1")

class LocalUserType

Enum for

class LocalUser

LocalUser identity, derived from Identity base class.

Used to model an application user. Can be associated with an external IdP user, or represent a local account.


  • name (str): name of identity

  • identities (list): list of strings for IdP identity association

  • groups (list[LocalGroup]): list of group names as strings to add user too

  • unique_id (string, optional): For reference by ID


  • name (str): name of identity

  • id (str): ID of entity for ID based reference

  • email (string): Users email address

  • identities (list): list of strings for IdP identity association

  • groups (list[LocalGroup]): list of group names as strings to add user too

  • identity_type (OAAIdentityType): Veza Identity Type (local_user)

  • application_permissions (list[CustomPermission]): Permissions identity has directly to custom application

  • resource_permissions (dict): Dictionary of custom permissions associated with resources and sub-resources. Key is permission, value is list of resource keys

  • application_roles (list[LocalRole]): Custom application roles assigned directly to the identity

  • resource_roles (dict): Dictionary of local_roles for resources and sub-resources. Key is roles, value is list of resource keys

  • properties (dict): Dictionary of properties for identity, allowed values will vary by identity type

  • tags (list[Tag]): List of tags

  • is_active (bool): Defaults to None for unset

  • created_at (str): RFC3339 time stamp for user creation

  • last_login_at (str): RFC3339 time stamp for last login

  • deactivated_at (str): RFC3339 for user deactivate time

  • password_last_changed_at (str): RFC3339 time stamp for last password change

  • user_type (LocalUserType): Set the local user account type

method __init__

    name: 'str',
    identities: 'List[str]' = None,
    groups: 'List[str]' = None,
    unique_id: 'str' = None,
    property_definitions: 'ApplicationPropertyDefinitions' = None
) → None

method add_access_cred

add_access_cred(access_cred: 'str') → None

Add access cred to user (access cred must be created separately)


  • access_cred (str): unique identifier of access cred

method add_group

add_group(group: 'str') → None

Add user to local group (group must be created separately).


  • group (str): identifier of local group

method add_identities

add_identities(identities: 'List[str]') → None

Add multiple identities to a local user from a list.


  • identities (list[str]): list of identities to add to user

method add_identity

add_identity(identity: 'str') → None

Add an identity to user.

Identity should match the email address or another principal identifier for an IdP user (Okta, Azure, ect). Veza will create a connection from the application local user to IdP identity.


  • identity (str): email or identifier for IdP user

method add_permission

    permission: 'str',
    resources: 'List[CustomResource]' = None,
    apply_to_application: 'bool' = False
) → None

Add a permission to an identity.

Permission can apply to either the application or application resource/sub-resources


  • permissions ([str]): List of strings representing the permission names

  • resource (CustomResource, optional): Custom resource, if None permission is applied to application. Defaults to None.

  • apply_to_application (bool): Apply permission to application when True, defaults to False

method add_role

    role: 'str',
    resources: 'List[CustomResource]' = None,
    apply_to_application: 'Optional[bool]' = None,
    assignment_properties: 'Optional[dict]' = None
) → None

Add a role to an identity.

Role to authorize identity to either the application or application resource/sub-resource based on role's permissions.

Role assignment properties can be set with the assignment_properties dictionary parameter with property names as the keys. Role assignment properties types must be defined on the application prior to setting.


  • role (str): Name of role as string

  • resources (List[CustomResource], optional): Custom resource, if None role is applied to application. Defaults to None.

  • apply_to_application (bool, optional): Apply permission to application when True, False will replace existing value, None will leave previous setting if any

  • assignment_properties (dict, optional): Custom properties for the role assignment. Defaults to no properties.

method add_tag

add_tag(key: 'str', value: 'str' = '') → None

Add a new tag to identity.


  • key (str): Key for tag, aka name. Must be present and must be letters, numbers or _ (underscore) only.

  • value (str, optional): Value for Tag, will appear in Veza as key:value. Must be letters, numbers, whitespace and the special characters @,._- only. Defaults to "".

method get_identity_to_permissions

get_identity_to_permissions(application_name: 'str') → dict

Get a JSON serializable dictionary of all the identity's permissions and roles.

Formats the identity's permissions and roles for the Custom Application template payload


  • dict: JSON serializable dictionary of all the identity's permissions and roles

method set_property

    property_name: 'str',
    property_value: 'any',
    ignore_none: 'bool' = False
) → None

Set a custom defined property to a specific value on an identity.

Property name must be defined for identity type before calling set_property(). See example below for LocalUser and ApplicationPropertyDefinitions.define_local_user_property for more information on defining properties. Property must be defined for the correct Identity type (LocalUser or LocalGroup, IdPIdentity does not support custom properties).


  • property_name (str): Name of property to set value for

  • property_value (Any): Value for property, type should match OAAPropertyType for property definition

  • ignore_none (bool, optional): Do not set property if value is None. Defaults to False.


  • OAATemplateException: If property with property_name is not defined.


app = CustomApplication("App", application_type="example") >>> app.property_definitions.define_local_user_property(name="my_property", property_type=OAAPropertyType.STRING) >>> user1 = app.add_local_user(name="user1") >>> user1.set_property("my_property", "value for user1")

method to_dict

to_dict() → dict

Output user to dictionary for payload.

class LocalGroup

LocalGroup identity.

Derived from Identity base class. Used to represent groups of local users for application.


  • name (str): name of group

  • identities (list): list of strings for IdP identity association

  • unique_id (string, optional): Unique identifier for group


  • name (str): name of identity

  • identities (list): list of strings for IdP identity association

  • groups (list[LocalGroup]): list of group names as strings that group is member of for nested groups

  • identity_type (OAAIdentityType): Veza Identity Type, local_group

  • application_permissions (list[CustomPermission]): permissions identity has directly to custom application

  • resource_permissions (dict): Dictionary of custom permissions associated with resources and sub-resources. Key is permission, value is list of resource keys

  • application_roles (list[LocalRole]): list of roles identity has directly to custom application

  • resource_roles (dict): Dictionary of local_roles for resources and sub-resources. Key is roles, value is list of resource keys

  • properties (dict): Dictionary of properties for identity, allowed values will vary by identity type

  • tags (list[Tag]): List of tags

  • created_at (str): RFC3339 time stamp for group creation time

method __init__

    unique_id: 'str' = None,
    property_definitions: 'ApplicationPropertyDefinitions' = None

method add_group

add_group(group: 'str') → None

Add a nested group to local group (group must be created separately).


  • group (str): identifier of local group

method add_identity

add_identity(identity: 'str') → None

Add an identity to group.

The email address or another valid identifier should match that of an IdP principal (Okta, Azure, ect). Veza will create a connection from the application local group to IdP identity.


  • identity (str): primary IdP identifier for group to associate

method add_permission

    permission: 'str',
    resources: 'List[CustomResource]' = None,
    apply_to_application: 'bool' = False
) → None

Add a permission to an identity.

Permission can apply to either the application or application resource/sub-resources


  • permissions ([str]): List of strings representing the permission names

  • resource (CustomResource, optional): Custom resource, if None permission is applied to application. Defaults to None.

  • apply_to_application (bool): Apply permission to application when True, defaults to False

method add_role

    role: 'str',
    resources: 'List[CustomResource]' = None,
    apply_to_application: 'Optional[bool]' = None,
    assignment_properties: 'Optional[dict]' = None
) → None

Add a role to an identity.

Role to authorize identity to either the application or application resource/sub-resource based on role's permissions.

Role assignment properties can be set with the assignment_properties dictionary parameter with property names as the keys. Role assignment properties types must be defined on the application prior to setting.


  • role (str): Name of role as string

  • resources (List[CustomResource], optional): Custom resource, if None role is applied to application. Defaults to None.

  • apply_to_application (bool, optional): Apply permission to application when True, False will replace existing value, None will leave previous setting if any

  • assignment_properties (dict, optional): Custom properties for the role assignment. Defaults to no properties.

method add_tag

add_tag(key: 'str', value: 'str' = '') → None

Add a new tag to identity.


  • key (str): Key for tag, aka name. Must be present and must be letters, numbers or _ (underscore) only.

  • value (str, optional): Value for Tag, will appear in Veza as key:value. Must be letters, numbers, whitespace and the special characters @,._- only. Defaults to "".

method get_identity_to_permissions

get_identity_to_permissions(application_name: 'str') → dict

Get a JSON serializable dictionary of all the identity's permissions and roles.

Formats the identity's permissions and roles for the Custom Application template payload


  • dict: JSON serializable dictionary of all the identity's permissions and roles

method set_property

    property_name: 'str',
    property_value: 'any',
    ignore_none: 'bool' = False
) → None

Set a custom defined property to a specific value on an identity.

Property name must be defined for identity type before calling set_property(). See example below for LocalUser and ApplicationPropertyDefinitions.define_local_user_property for more information on defining properties. Property must be defined for the correct Identity type (LocalUser or LocalGroup, IdPIdentity does not support custom properties).


  • property_name (str): Name of property to set value for

  • property_value (Any): Value for property, type should match OAAPropertyType for property definition

  • ignore_none (bool, optional): Do not set property if value is None. Defaults to False.


  • OAATemplateException: If property with property_name is not defined.


app = CustomApplication("App", application_type="example") >>> app.property_definitions.define_local_user_property(name="my_property", property_type=OAAPropertyType.STRING) >>> user1 = app.add_local_user(name="user1") >>> user1.set_property("my_property", "value for user1")

method to_dict

to_dict() → dict

Output group to dictionary for payload.

class IdPIdentity

IdP identity derived from Identity base class.

Used to associate IdP identities (users or groups) directly to resource where concept of local users/groups doesn't apply to application.


  • name (str): Primary IdP identifier for identity (email, group name, etc)


  • name (str): name of identity

  • identity_type (OAAIdentityType): Veza Identity Type, (idp)

  • application_permissions (list[CustomPermission]): permissions identity has directly to custom application

  • resource_permissions (dict): Dictionary of custom permissions associated with resources and sub-resources. Key is permission, value is list of resource keys

  • application_roles (list[LocalRole]): roles identity has directly to custom application

  • resource_roles (dict): Dictionary of local_roles for resources and sub-resources. Key is roles, value is list of resource keys

  • properties (dict): Dictionary of properties for identity, allowed values will vary by identity type

  • tags (list[Tag]): List of tags

method __init__

__init__(name: 'str') → None

method add_permission

    permission: 'str',
    resources: 'List[CustomResource]' = None,
    apply_to_application: 'bool' = False
) → None

Add a permission to an identity.

Permission can apply to either the application or application resource/sub-resources


  • permissions ([str]): List of strings representing the permission names

  • resource (CustomResource, optional): Custom resource, if None permission is applied to application. Defaults to None.

  • apply_to_application (bool): Apply permission to application when True, defaults to False

method add_role

    role: 'str',
    resources: 'List[CustomResource]' = None,
    apply_to_application: 'Optional[bool]' = None,
    assignment_properties: 'Optional[dict]' = None
) → None

Add a role to an identity.

Role to authorize identity to either the application or application resource/sub-resource based on role's permissions.

Role assignment properties can be set with the assignment_properties dictionary parameter with property names as the keys. Role assignment properties types must be defined on the application prior to setting.


  • role (str): Name of role as string

  • resources (List[CustomResource], optional): Custom resource, if None role is applied to application. Defaults to None.

  • apply_to_application (bool, optional): Apply permission to application when True, False will replace existing value, None will leave previous setting if any

  • assignment_properties (dict, optional): Custom properties for the role assignment. Defaults to no properties.

method add_tag

add_tag(key: 'str', value: 'str' = '') → None

Add a new tag to identity.


  • key (str): Key for tag, aka name. Must be present and must be letters, numbers or _ (underscore) only.

  • value (str, optional): Value for Tag, will appear in Veza as key:value. Must be letters, numbers, whitespace and the special characters @,._- only. Defaults to "".

method get_identity_to_permissions

get_identity_to_permissions(application_name: 'str') → dict

Get a JSON serializable dictionary of all the identity's permissions and roles.

Formats the identity's permissions and roles for the Custom Application template payload


  • dict: JSON serializable dictionary of all the identity's permissions and roles

method set_property

    property_name: 'str',
    property_value: 'any',
    ignore_none: 'bool' = False
) → None

Set custom IdP property (no functionality).

IdP identities do not support custom properties since the identity is discovered through the provider (Okta, Azure, etc)

class AccessCred

Access Credential derived from Identity base class.

Access Creds can be used to represent non-user based methods that grant access such as API keys or integrations.

AccessCreds can be assigned roles or permissions to an application or resource. An AccessCred can stand-alone or be associated to a local user.


  • unique_id (str): Unique identifier for access cred

  • name (str): Name for access cred, does not need to be unique


  • unique_id (str): Unique identifier for access cred

  • name (str): Name for access cred, does not need to be unique

  • is_active (bool): Indicate if credential is active, defaults to True

  • created_at (str): Time access cred was created at as RFC3339 timestampe, defaults to empty

  • expires_at (str): Time access cred was created at as RFC3339 timestampe, defaults to empty

  • last_used_at (str): Time access cred was created at as RFC3339 timestampe, defaults to empty

  • can_expire (bool): Boolean to indicate if credential type can exipre, defaults to unset

method __init__

    unique_id: 'str',
    name: 'str',
    property_definitions: 'ApplicationPropertyDefinitions' = None
) → None

method add_permission

    permission: 'str',
    resources: 'List[CustomResource]' = None,
    apply_to_application: 'bool' = False
) → None

Add a permission to an identity.

Permission can apply to either the application or application resource/sub-resources


  • permissions ([str]): List of strings representing the permission names

  • resource (CustomResource, optional): Custom resource, if None permission is applied to application. Defaults to None.

  • apply_to_application (bool): Apply permission to application when True, defaults to False

method add_role

    role: 'str',
    resources: 'List[CustomResource]' = None,
    apply_to_application: 'Optional[bool]' = None,
    assignment_properties: 'Optional[dict]' = None
) → None

Add a role to an identity.

Role to authorize identity to either the application or application resource/sub-resource based on role's permissions.

Role assignment properties can be set with the assignment_properties dictionary parameter with property names as the keys. Role assignment properties types must be defined on the application prior to setting.


  • role (str): Name of role as string

  • resources (List[CustomResource], optional): Custom resource, if None role is applied to application. Defaults to None.

  • apply_to_application (bool, optional): Apply permission to application when True, False will replace existing value, None will leave previous setting if any

  • assignment_properties (dict, optional): Custom properties for the role assignment. Defaults to no properties.

method add_tag

add_tag(key: 'str', value: 'str' = '') → None

Add a new tag to identity.


  • key (str): Key for tag, aka name. Must be present and must be letters, numbers or _ (underscore) only.

  • value (str, optional): Value for Tag, will appear in Veza as key:value. Must be letters, numbers, whitespace and the special characters @,._- only. Defaults to "".

method get_identity_to_permissions

get_identity_to_permissions(application_name: 'str') → dict

Get a JSON serializable dictionary of all the identity's permissions and roles.

Formats the identity's permissions and roles for the Custom Application template payload


  • dict: JSON serializable dictionary of all the identity's permissions and roles

method set_property

    property_name: 'str',
    property_value: 'any',
    ignore_none: 'bool' = False
) → None

Set a custom defined property to a specific value on an access credential.

Property name must be defined for access credentials before calling set_property(). See example below and ApplicationPropertyDefinitions.define_access_cred_property for more information on defining properties.


  • property_name (str): Name of property to set value for

  • property_value (Any): Value for property, type should match OAAPropertyType for property definition

  • ignore_none (bool, optional): Do not set property if value is None. Defaults to False.


  • OAATemplateException: If property with property_name is not defined.


app = CustomApplication("App", application_type="example") >>> app.property_definitions.define_access_cred_property(name="my_property", property_type=OAAPropertyType.STRING) >>> cred1 = app.add_access_cred(unique_id="cred001", name="Cred 001") >>> cred1.set_property("my_property", "value for cred001")

method to_dict

to_dict() → dict

Output Access credential dictionary for payload

class LocalRole

Represent a Custom Application Local Role.

Local Roles are a collection of permissions (as CustomPermission). Roles can be used to associate a local user, group or IdP identity to an application, resource or sub-resource.

Permissions can either be assigned at creation and/or added later.

If the CustomPermission definition includes resource types in the resource_types list, the permission will only be assigned to resources/sub-resources that match that type as part of an assignment.


  • name (str): name of local role

  • permissions (list[CustomPermission], optional): List of custom permission names (strings) to associate with the role. Defaults to empty list.

  • unique_id (string, optional): Unique identifier for role for identification by ID


  • name (str): name of local role

  • unique_id (str): Unique identifier for role for identification by ID

  • permissions (list[CustomPermission]): list of custom permission names (strings) to associate with the role

  • roles (list[LocalRole]): list of roles nested inside the role

  • tags (list[Tag]): list of Tags instances

method __init__

    name: 'str',
    permissions: 'List[str]' = None,
    unique_id: 'str' = None,
    property_definitions: 'ApplicationPropertyDefinitions' = None
) → None

method add_permissions

add_permissions(permissions: 'List[str]') → None

Add a permission to the role.


  • permissions (list): List of permission names (strings) to add to role

method add_role

add_role(role: 'str') → None

Add a nested sub-role to the role (nested role must be created separately)


  • role (str): identifier of the local role to nest inside this role

method add_tag

add_tag(key: 'str', value: 'str' = '') → None

Add a new tag to role.


  • key (str): Key for tag, aka name. Must be present and must be letters, numbers or _ (underscore) only.

  • value (str, optional): Value for Tag, will appear in Veza as key:value. Must be letters, numbers, whitespace and the special characters @,._- only. Defaults to "".

method set_property

    property_name: 'str',
    property_value: 'any',
    ignore_none: 'bool' = False
) → None

Set the value for custom property on a local role.

Property name must be defined for local roles before calling set_property(). See example below and ApplicationPropertyDefinitions.define_local_role_property for more information on defining properties.


  • property_name (str): Name of property to set value for

  • property_value (Any): Value for property, type should match OAAPropertyType for property definition

  • ignore_none (bool, optional): Do not set property if value is None. Defaults to False.


  • OAATemplateException: If property name is not defined.

Example: app = CustomApplication("App", application_type="example") >>> app.property_definitions.define_local_role_property(name="my_property", property_type=OAAPropertyType.STRING) >>> role1 = app.add_local_role(name="role1") >>> role1.set_property(property_name="my_property", property_value="role1s value")

method to_dict

to_dict() → dict

Convert role to dictionary for inclusion in JSON payload.


  • dict: serializable dictionary of role

class CustomPermission

CustomPermission class for defining CustomApplication permissions.

  • Custom permissions represent the named permissions for the application in its terms (e.g. "Admin" or "PUSH") and define the Veza canonical mapping (e.g. DataRead, MetadataRead, DataWrite).

  • A permission can either be applied directly to an application or resource or assigned as part of a role.

  • Optionally, when permissions are used as part of a role, if the resource_types list is populated the permission will only be applied to resources who's type is in the resource_types list when the role is applied to a resource.


  • name (str): Display name for permission

  • permissions (list): List of OAAPermission enums that represent the canonical permissions

  • apply_to_sub_resources (bool, optional): If true, when permission is applied to the application or resource, identity also has permission to all children of application/resource. Defaults to False.

  • resource_types (list, optional): List of resource types as strings that the permission relates to. Defaults to empty list.


  • name (str): Display name for permission

  • permissions (list[OAAPermission]): List of OAAPermission enums that represent the canonical permissions

  • apply_to_sub_resources (bool): If true, when permission is applied to the application or resource, identity also has permission to all children of application/resource.

  • resource_types (list): List of resource types as strings that the permission relates to.

method __init__

    name: 'str',
    permissions: 'List[OAAPermission]',
    apply_to_sub_resources: 'bool' = False,
    resource_types: 'list' = None
) → None

method add_resource_type

add_resource_type(resource_type: 'str') → None

Add a resource type to the resource_types list.

Extends the list of resource types permission applies to when used in role assignment.


  • resource_type (str): The resource type string value

method to_dict

to_dict() → dict

Returns dictionary representation for payload.

class OAAPropertyType

Supported types for custom properties on OAA entities such as application, resource, and identity.

class ApplicationPropertyDefinitions

Model for defining custom properties for application and its entities (users, groups, roles, resources).

Property definitions define the names for additional entity properties and the expected type.


  • application_type (str): type of custom application property definitions apply to


  • application_properties (dict): property definitions for application

  • local_user_properties (dict): property definitions for local users

  • local_group_properties (dict): property definitions for local groups

  • local_role_properties (dict): property definitions for local roles

  • resources (dict): property definitions for resources keyed by resource type

method __init__

__init__(application_type: 'str') → None

method define_access_cred_property

    name: 'str',
    property_type: 'OAAPropertyType'
) → None

Define an access cred property.


  • name (str): name for property

  • property_type (OAAPropertyType): type for property

method define_application_property

    name: 'str',
    property_type: 'OAAPropertyType'
) → None

Define an application property.


  • name (str): name for property

  • property_type (OAAPropertyType): type for property

method define_local_group_property

    name: 'str',
    property_type: 'OAAPropertyType'
) → None

Define a local group property.


  • name (str): name for property

  • property_type (OAAPropertyType): type for property

method define_local_role_property

define_local_role_property(name: 'str', property_type: 'OAAPropertyType') → None

Define a local role property.


  • name (str): name for property

  • property_type (OAAPropertyType): type for property

method define_local_user_property

define_local_user_property(name: 'str', property_type: 'OAAPropertyType') → None

Define a local user property.


  • name (str): name for property

  • property_type (OAAPropertyType): type for property

method define_resource_property

    resource_type: 'str',
    name: 'str',
    property_type: 'OAAPropertyType'
) → None

Define a property for a resource by type of resource.


  • resource_type (str): type of resource property definition is for

  • name (str): property name

  • property_type (OAAPropertyType): type for property

method define_role_assignment_property

    name: 'str',
    property_type: 'OAAPropertyType'
) → None

method to_dict

to_dict() → dict

Return property definitions as dictionary ready for OAA payload

method validate_name

validate_name(name: 'str') → None

Check property name for valid characters

Raises an exception if the name string does not match required pattern. Name must start with a character and can only contain letters and _ character.


  • name (str): name of property to validate


  • OAATemplateException: Name is not a string

  • OAATemplateException: Name contains invalid characters or does not start with a letter

method validate_property_name

    property_name: 'str',
    entity_type: 'str',
    resource_type: 'str' = None
) → bool

Validate that a property name has been defined for given resource type.


  • property_name (str): name of property to validate

  • entity_type (str): type of entity custom property is for (application, local_user, local_group, local_role, resource)

  • resource_type (str): (optional) type for validating resource property names, only applicable to entity_type resource


  • OAATemplateException: If property name has not been previously defined for entity

class IdPEntityType

IdP entity types.

class IdPProviderType

Veza supported IdP provider types.

class CustomIdPProvider

CustomIdPProvider class for modeling Identity Providers (IdP) using OAA Custom Identity Provider Template.

CustomIdPProvider class consists of IdP domain information, user, group and external associations for identities like AWS Roles.

Classes uses dictionaries to track most components, dictionaries are all keyed by string of the entity name


  • name (str): Name of IdP

  • idp_type (str): Type descriptor for IdP, can be unique or share across multiple IdP e.g. ldap, IPA

  • domain (str): IdP domain name

  • description (str, optional): Description for IdP. Defaults to None.


  • name (str): Name of custom IdP

  • idp_type (str): Type for IdP

  • description (str): Description for IdP

  • domain (CustomIdPDomain): Domain model, created with domain name at init

  • users (dict[CustomIdPUser]): Dictionary of CustomIdPUser class instances

  • groups (dict[CustomIdPGroup]): Dictionary of CustomIdPGroup class instances

  • property_definitions (IdPPropertyDefinitions): Custom Property definitions for IdP instance

method __init__

    name: 'str',
    idp_type: 'str',
    domain: 'str',
    description: 'str' = None
) → None

method add_app

add_app(id: 'str', name: 'str') → CustomIdPApp



  • id (str): description

  • name (str): description



  • CustomIdPApp: description

method add_group

    name: 'str',
    full_name: 'str' = None,
    identity: 'str' = None
) → CustomIdPGroup

Add group to IdP.


  • name (str): primary ID for group

  • full_name (str): optional display name for group

  • identity (str): optional unique identifier for group, if None name is used as identity

method add_user

    name: 'str',
    full_name: 'str' = None,
    email: 'str' = None,
    identity: 'str' = None
) → CustomIdPUser

Add user to IdP

if no identity is set name will be used as identity


  • name (str): primary ID for user

  • full_name (str): optional full name for display

  • email (str): optional email for user

  • identity (str): optional unique identifier for user, if None name is used as identity

Returns: CustomIdPUser

method get_payload

get_payload() → dict

Return formatted payload as dictionary for JSON conversion and upload

class CustomIdPDomain

Domain model for Custom IdP provider.


  • name (str): domain name


  • name (str): domain name

method __init__

    name: 'str',
    property_definitions: 'IdPPropertyDefinitions' = None
) → None

method add_tag

add_tag(key: 'str', value: 'str' = '') → None

Add a new tag to IdP Domain.


  • key (str): Key for tag, aka name. Must be present and must be letters, numbers or _ (underscore) only.

  • value (str, optional): Value for Tag, will appear in Veza as key:value. Must be letters, numbers, whitespace and the special characters @,._- only. Defaults to "".

method set_property

    property_name: 'str',
    property_value: 'any',
    ignore_none: 'bool' = False
) → None

Set custom property value for domain.

Property name must be defined for domain before calling set_property(). See example below and IdPPropertyDefinitions.define_domain_property for more information.


  • property_name (str): Name of property

  • property_value (Any): Value for property, type should match OAAPropertyType for property definition

  • ignore_none (bool, optional): Do not set property if value is None. Defaults to False.


  • OAATemplateException: If property with property_name is not defined.

Example: idp = CustomIdPProvider(name="Example IdP", idp_type="example", domain="example.com") >>> idp.property_definitions.define_domain_property(name="my_property", property_type=OAAPropertyType.STRING) >>> idp.domain.set_property(property_name="my_property", property_value="domain property value")

method to_dict

to_dict() → dict

Output function for payload.

class CustomIdPUser

User model for CustomIdPProvider.


  • name (str): username for identity

  • email (str): primary email for user

  • full_name (str): Display name for user

  • identity (str): unique identifier for user (may be same as username or email, or another unique ID like employee number)


  • name (str): username for identity

  • email (str): primary email for user

  • full_name (str): display name for user

  • identity (str): unique identifier for user (may be same as username or email, or another unique ID like employee number)

  • department (str): department name for user

  • is_active (bool): if user is active, defaults to None

  • is_guest (bool): if user is a guest type user, defaults to None

  • manager_id (str, optional): CustomIdPUser.identity of manager, defaults to None

method __init__

    name: 'str',
    email: 'str' = None,
    full_name: 'str' = None,
    identity: 'str' = None,
    property_definitions: 'IdPPropertyDefinitions' = None
) → None

method add_app_assignment

    id: 'str',
    name: 'str',
    app_id: 'str',
    assignment_properties: 'Optional[dict]' = None
) → None

Create App assignment for user


  • id (str): ID of App assignment, must be unique for user

  • name (str): Name of assignment

  • app_id (str): App ID, must exist in list of Apps for IDP

  • assignment_properties (Optional[dict], optional): Optional custom properties to set. Property names must be defined first. Defaults to None.


  • OAATemplateException: Duplicate assignment ID

  • OAATemplateException: Unknown assignment property name

method add_assumed_role_arns

add_assumed_role_arns(arns: 'List[str]') → None

Add AWS Roles to list of roles user can assume by ARN.


  • arns (list): list of role ARNs as strings that the user is allowed to assume

method add_groups

add_groups(group_identities: 'List[str]') → None

Add user to group(s) by group name


  • group_identities (list): list of strings for group identities to add user to

method add_tag

add_tag(key: 'str', value: 'str' = '') → None

Add a new tag to IdP User.


  • key (str): Key for tag, aka name. Must be present and must be letters, numbers or _ (underscore) only.

  • value (str, optional): Value for Tag, will appear in Veza as key:value. Must be letters, numbers, whitespace and the special characters @,._- only. Defaults to "".

method set_property

    property_name: 'str',
    property_value: 'any',
    ignore_none: 'bool' = False
) → None

Set custom property value for user.

Property name must be defined for users before calling set_property(). See example below and IdPPropertyDefinitions.define_user_property for more information.


  • property_name (str): Name of property

  • property_value (Any): Value for property, type should match OAAPropertyType for property definition

  • ignore_none (bool, optional): Do not set property if value is None. Defaults to False.


  • OAATemplateException: If property with property_name is not defined.

Example: idp = CustomIdPProvider(name="Example IdP", idp_type="example", domain="example.com") >>> idp.property_definitions.define_user_property(name="my_property", property_type=OAAPropertyType.STRING) >>> user1 = idp.add_user(name="User 1") >>> user1.set_property("my_property", "user1 value")

method set_source_identity

set_source_identity(identity: 'str', provider_type: 'IdPProviderType') → None

Set an source external identity for user.

  • source_identity will connect CustomIdP user to a Veza graph IdP user.

  • provider_type limits scope for finding matching IdP identities

  • search all providers with IdPProviderType.ANY.


  • identity (str): Unique Identity of the source identity

  • provider_type (IdPProviderType): Type for provider to match source identity from

method to_dict

to_dict() → dict

Function to prepare user entity for payload

class CustomIdPGroup

Group model for CustomIdPProvider.


  • name (str): name of group

  • full_name (str): optional full name for group

  • identity (str): optional identifier for group if name is not reference identifier


  • name (str): name of group

  • full_name (str): optional full name for group

  • identity (str): optional identifier for group, if None name is used as identity

  • is_security_group (bool): Property for group, defaults to None (unset)

method __init__

    name: 'str',
    full_name: 'str' = None,
    identity: 'str' = None,
    property_definitions: 'IdPPropertyDefinitions' = None
) → None

method add_app_assignment

    id: 'str',
    name: 'str',
    app_id: 'str',
    assignment_properties: 'Optional[dict]' = None
) → None

Create App assignment for group


  • id (str): ID of App assignment, must be unique for group

  • name (str): Name of assignment

  • app_id (str): App ID, must exist in list of Apps for IDP

  • assignment_properties (Optional[dict], optional): Optional custom properties to set. Property names must be defined first. Defaults to None.


  • OAATemplateException: Duplicate assignment ID

  • OAATemplateException: Unknown assignment property name

method add_assumed_role_arns

add_assumed_role_arns(arns: 'List[str]') → None

Add AWS Roles to list of roles group members can assume by ARN.


  • arns (list): list of role ARNs as strings that the group members are allowed to assume

method add_groups

add_groups(group_identities: 'List[str]') → None

Add group to group(s) by group name

Adds current group to another parent group by the group identifier


  • group_identities (list): list of strings for group identities to add group to

method add_tag

add_tag(key: 'str', value: 'str' = '') → None

Add a new tag to IdP Group.


  • key (str): Key for tag, aka name. Must be present and must be letters, numbers or _ (underscore) only.

  • value (str, optional): Value for Tag, will appear in Veza as key:value. Must be letters, numbers, whitespace and the special characters @,._- only. Defaults to "".

method set_property

    property_name: 'str',
    property_value: 'any',
    ignore_none: 'bool' = False
) → None

Set custom property value for group.

Property name must be defined for groups before calling set_property(). See example below and IdPPropertyDefinitions.define_group_property for more information.


  • property_name (str): Name of property

  • property_value (Any): Value for property, type should match OAAPropertyType for property definition

  • ignore_none (bool, optional): Do not set property if value is None. Defaults to False.


  • OAATemplateException: If property with property_name is not defined.

Example: idp = CustomIdPProvider(name="Example IdP", idp_type="example", domain="example.com") >>> idp.property_definitions.define_group_property(name="my_property", property_type=OAAPropertyType.STRING) >>> group1 = idp.add_group(name="Group 1") >>> group1.set_property("my_property", "group1 value")

method to_dict

to_dict() → None

Function to prepare user entity for payload.

class CustomIdPApp

App model for CustomIdPProvider


  • id (str): ID for App, must be unique

  • name (str): Name for App

  • property_definitions (IdPPropertyDefinitions, optional): Custom property definitions, required to set custom properties. Defaults to None.


  • id (str): ID for App, must be unique

  • name (str): Name for App

  • description (str): Description property for App

method __init__

    id: 'str',
    name: 'str',
    property_definitions: 'IdPPropertyDefinitions' = None
) → None

method add_assumed_role_arns

add_assumed_role_arns(arns: 'List[str]') → None

Add AWS Roles to list of roles App can assume by ARN. Any Users or Groups assigned to the App are represented as being able to assume the roles.


  • arns (list): list of role ARNs as strings that the user is allowed to assume

method add_tag

add_tag(key: 'str', value: 'str' = '') → None

Add a new tag to IdP User.


  • key (str): Key for tag, aka name. Must be present and must be letters, numbers or _ (underscore) only.

  • value (str, optional): Value for Tag, will appear in Veza as key:value. Must be letters, numbers, whitespace and the special characters @,._- only. Defaults to "".

method set_property

    property_name: 'str',
    property_value: 'any',
    ignore_none: 'bool' = False
) → None

Set custom property value for app.

Property name must be defined for app before calling set_property(). See example below and IdPPropertyDefinitions.define_app_property for more information.


  • property_name (str): Name of property

  • property_value (Any): Value for property, type should match OAAPropertyType for property definition

  • ignore_none (bool, optional): Do not set property if value is None. Defaults to False.


  • OAATemplateException: If property with property_name is not defined.

Example: idp = CustomIdPProvider(name="Example IdP", idp_type="example", domain="example.com") >>> idp.property_definitions.define_app_property(name="my_property", property_type=OAAPropertyType.STRING) >>> app1 = idp.add_app(id="app1", ="App 1") >>> app1.set_property("my_property", "app1 value")

method to_dict

to_dict() → dict

class IdPPropertyDefinitions

Model for defining custom properties for CustomIdPProvider and its entities (users, groups, domain).

Property definitions define the names for additional entity properties and the expected type.


  • domain_properties (dict): property definitions for IdP Domain

  • user_properties (dict): property definitions for IdP users

  • group_properties (dict): property definitions for IdP groups

method __init__

__init__() → None

method define_app_assignment_property

    name: 'str',
    property_type: 'OAAPropertyType'
) → None

Define an app assignment custom property


  • name (str): name of property

  • property_type (OAAPropertyType): type for property

method define_app_property

define_app_property(name: 'str', property_type: 'OAAPropertyType') → None

Define an app custom property


  • name (str): name of property

  • property_type (OAAPropertyType): type for property

method define_domain_property

define_domain_property(name: 'str', property_type: 'OAAPropertyType') → None

Define a domain custom property.


  • name (str): name of property

  • property_type (OAAPropertyType): type for property

method define_group_property

define_group_property(name: 'str', property_type: 'OAAPropertyType') → None

Define a group custom property.


  • name (str): name of property

  • property_type (OAAPropertyType): type for property

method define_user_property

define_user_property(name: 'str', property_type: 'OAAPropertyType') → None

Define a user custom property.


  • name (str): name of property

  • property_type (OAAPropertyType): type for property

method to_dict

to_dict() → dict

Returns custom IdP property definitions.

method validate_property_name

validate_property_name(property_name: 'str', entity_type: 'str') → None

Validate that a property name has been defined for a given IdP entity.

Raises exception if property name has not been previously defined for entity


  • property_name (str): name of property to validate

  • entity_type (str): type of entity custom property is for (domain, users, groups)


  • OAATemplateException: If property name is not defined

class Tag

Veza Tag data model.


  • key (str): key for tag, aka name. Must be present and must be letters, numbers or _ (underscore) only.

  • value (str, optional): Value for tag, will appear in Veza as key:value. Must be letters, numbers, whitespace and the special characters @,._- only.


  • key (str): key for tag, aka name. Must be present and must be letters, numbers or _ (underscore) only.

  • value (str): Value for tag, will appear in Veza as key:value. Must be letters, numbers and the special characters @,._ only.

method __init__

__init__(key: 'str', value: 'str' = '') → None

class HRISProvider

Class for modeling Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) Template

HRIS template consists of base information about the HRIS instance, Employees and Groups.

Employees and Groups are tracked in case insensitive dictionaries that can be used to reference entities after creation.


  • name (str): Name for HRIS Instance

  • hris_type (str): Type for HRIS. Typically the vendor or product name.

  • url (str): Instance URL for HRIS.


  • employees (dict[string]): Dictionary of HRISEmployee instances keyed by Employee ID

  • groups (dict[string]): Dictionary of HRISGroup instances keyed by Group ID

method __init__

__init__(name: 'str', hris_type: 'str', url: 'str')

method add_employee

    unique_id: 'str',
    name: 'str',
    employee_number: 'str',
    first_name: 'str',
    last_name: 'str',
    is_active: 'bool',
    employment_status: 'str'
) → HRISEmployee

Add a new Employee

Function creates a new HRISEmployee instance and adds it to the HRISProvider.employees keyed by the unique_id


  • unique_id (str): Unique Identifier for Employee

  • name (str): Display name for employee

  • employee_number (str): The employee's number that appears in the third-party integration.

  • first_name (str): Employee first name

  • last_name (str): Employee last name (family name)

  • is_active (bool): Boolean for employee active status

  • employment_status (str): String representation of employee status, e.g. "ACTIVE", "TERMINATE", "PENDING"


  • OAATemplateException: Employee with ID already exists


  • HRISEmployee: Entity for new employee

method add_group

add_group(unique_id: 'str', name: 'str', group_type: 'str') → HRISGroup

Add a new Group

Used to represent any subset of employees, such as PayGroup or Team. Employees can be in multiple Groups. Groups can also be members of other groups to create hierarchy.

Some properties of HRISEmployee such as department must reference an existing HRISGroup by its ID.


  • unique_id (str): Unique ID for group

  • name (str): Display name

  • group_type (str): Type for group such as "Team", "Department", "Cost Center"


  • HRISGroup: Entity for new group

method get_payload

get_payload() → dict

Get the OAA payload.

Returns the complete OAA template payload for HRIS as serializable dictionary


  • dict: OAA payload as dictionary

class HRISSystem

HRISSystem information

Representation for HRISSystem information. The system information is used to represent additional details for the HRIS Instance.


  • name (str): Name for system Instance

  • url (str, optional): URL for instance . Defaults to "". TODO: Is this right?

method __init__

__init__(name: 'str', url: 'str' = '')

method add_idp_type

add_idp_type(provider_type: 'IdPProviderType') → list[IdPProviderType]

Link HRIS to External IdP of given type

Sets the IdP types (Okta, AzureAD, ect) for Veza to link employee identities too.


  • provider_type (IdPProviderType): Type of IdP for source identities


  • ValueError: provider_type must be IdPProviderType enum


  • list[IdPProviderType]: List of configured IdP types

method to_dict

to_dict() → dict

class HRISEmployee

HRIS Employee Entity

Represents an employee record in the HRIS system. Each employee must have a unique ID to identify it in the payload. This ID is also used to reference one employee to the other for manager hierarchy.

Init variables are all required and must not be empty such as ""


  • unique_id (str): Unique Identifier for Employee

  • name (str): Name for employee record.

  • employee_number (str): The employee's number that appears in the third-party integration.

  • first_name (str): Employee first name

  • last_name (str): Employee last name (family name)

  • is_active (bool): Boolean for employee active status

  • employment_status (str): String representation of employee status, e.g. "ACTIVE", "TERMINATE", "PENDING"


  • company (str): The company (or subsidiary) the employee works for.

  • preferred_name (str): The employee's preferred first name.

  • display_full_name (str): The employee's full name, to use for display purposes.

  • canonical_name (str): The employee's canonical name.

  • username (str): The employee's username that appears in the integration UI.

  • email (str): The employee's work email.

  • idpid (str): The ID for this employee on the destination IDP provider used to automatically connect to it, if not supplied email is used.

  • personal_email (str): The employee's personal email.

  • home_location (str): The employee's home location.

  • work_location (str): The employee's work location.

  • cost_center (str): The cost center ID (Group ID) that the employee is in.

  • department (str): The department ID (Group ID) that the employee is in.

  • managers (str): The employee IDs of the employee's managers.

  • groups (str): The IDs of groups this user is in

  • start_date (str): The date that the employee started working. RFC3339 timestamp.

  • termination_date (str): The employee's termination date. RFC3339 timestamp.

  • job_title (str): The title of the employee.

  • employment_typ (str): The employee's type of employment. For example: FULL_TIME, PART_TIME, INTERN, CONTRACTOR, FREELANCE.

  • primary_time_zone (str): The time zone which the employee primarily lives.


  • ValueError: Any of the required arguments are empty.

method __init__

    unique_id: 'str',
    name: 'str',
    employee_number: 'str',
    first_name: 'str',
    last_name: 'str',
    is_active: 'bool',
    employment_status: 'str'

method add_group

add_group(group_id: 'str') → None

Add employee to group

Adds employee to a group by the group ID. Group must also be defined for HRISInstance with HRISProvider.add_group()


  • group_id (str): Unique ID of HRISGroup to add employee too

method add_manager

add_manager(manager_id: 'str') → None

Add manager to Employee

Adds a manager to the employee by the manager's HRISEmployee instance unique ID. Manger employee record must also exist.


  • manager_id (str): Unique ID for manager HRISEmployee instance

method set_property

    property_name: 'str',
    property_value: 'any',
    ignore_none: 'bool' = False
) → None

Set Employee custom property value

Property name must be defined for employee before calling set_property


  • property_name (str): Name of property

  • property_value (any): Value for property, type should match OAAPropertyType for property definition

  • ignore_none (bool, optional): Do not set property if value is None. Defaults to False.. Defaults to False.


  • OAATemplateException: If property with property_name is not defined.

method to_dict

to_dict() → dict

Output employee to dictionary for payload.

class HRISGroup

HRIS Group

Represents any group of employees in the HRIS system. HRISGroups can be used to represent teams, departments, cost centers or any organizational unit. Each group has a type to make searching and grouping easier.

Group's Unique ID must be unique across all group types.


  • unique_id (str): Unique ID for group

  • name (str): Display name

  • group_type (str): Type for group such as "Team", "Department", "Cost Center"

method __init__

__init__(unique_id: 'str', name: 'str', group_type: 'str')

method set_property

    property_name: 'str',
    property_value: 'any',
    ignore_none: 'bool' = False
) → None

Set HRIS Group custom property value

Property name must be defined for group before calling set_property


  • property_name (str): Name of property

  • property_value (any): Value for property, type should match OAAPropertyType for property definition

  • ignore_none (bool, optional): Do not set property if value is None. Defaults to False.. Defaults to False.


  • OAATemplateException: If property with property_name is not defined.

method to_dict

to_dict() → dict

Dictionary output for inclusion in payload

class HRISPropertyDefinitions

method __init__


method define_employee_property

define_employee_property(name: 'str', property_type: 'OAAPropertyType') → None

method define_group_property

define_group_property(name: 'str', property_type: 'OAAPropertyType') → None

method define_system_property

define_system_property(name: 'str', property_type: 'OAAPropertyType') → None

method to_dict

to_dict() → dict

method validate_name

validate_name(name: 'str') → None

Check property name for valid characters

Raises an exception if the name string does not match required pattern. Name must start with a character and can only contain letters and _ character.


  • name (str): name of property to validate


  • OAATemplateException: Name is not a string

  • OAATemplateException: Name contains invalid characters or does not start with a letter

Last updated

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