
Veza APIs require an access token, which you can generate from Administration > API Keys

You can call Veza APIs using API keys for authentication. Each API Key inherits the permissions of the user who created it, and functions as a personal access token for that user. The Administration > API Keys page allows individual users to manage their own keys. Only Veza administrators can view keys belonging to other users.

  • Users can view the activity status and revoke, reinstate, or rename any keys they create or have permission to update.

  • Deleting a key will permanently remove it. Owners can revoke and reinstate keys to intermittently disable them.

  • API keys each have a name and owner. Keys inherit the permissions and roles of their creator.

  • See User Management for possible Veza admin and operator actions.

Create an API key

To generate a key associated with your user account:

  1. Open Administration > API Keys > Add New API Key.

  2. Enter a descriptive name for the new key, and click Save.

  3. Copy and save the value, which will only appear once.

Teams and API Keys

Teams allow you to create non-admin, read-only API Keys, limited in access to integrations allowed for a team. When creating an API Key, pick an entry from the list of teams to apply that team scope.

The Team column on the API Keys page shows API key > Team assignments.

Using API keys

When making requests to Veza APIs, provide the key as an OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token in the request Authorization header:

curl -X GET 'https://<url>/api/v1/providers/custom' \
-H 'authorization: Bearer <token>'

You should protect and secure API Keys, which have all the permissions associated with your username and password. Save keys as environment variables or use a secrets manager instead of including them in scripts, for example:

import os
import requests

url = os.environ.get('VEZA_API_URL')
access_token = os.environ.get('VEZA_API_KEY')

headers = {
    'authorization': f'Bearer {access_token}'

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)



If you encounter authentication errors, confirm that the key is valid and generate a new key if required. API key errors are:

  • Invalid API key: API key is not the correct format (not base64 encoded)

  • Malformed API key: Typically due to a copy and paste error (correct format but invalid characters)

Last updated