Access Reviews with Saved Queries

Create Access Reviews from Query Builder searches to leverage existing saved queries.


You can quickly define the scope of a review by choosing a Saved Query when creating the configuration. Creating a review from a saved query enables you to create reviews on the results of saved queries featured in Veza reports and dashboards.

Many of Veza's out-of-the-box queries return a single entity type (unless Show [Destination Entities] is enabled). Reviews using saved queries will show a single entity type or a relationship, depending on the chosen query.

Access Reviews for Saved Queries

To create an access review Configuration with a Saved Query:

  1. In the configuration builder, click to open the Saved Query tab:

  2. Choose from the list of Saved Queries.

  3. Configure default reminders and orchestration actions.

  4. Save the Configuration.

See also

Last updated

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