Manage Access Reviews

Monitoring and administrating configurations, and working with active and completed reviews.


Administrators and operators can track and manage configurations as well as individual reviews. This document addresses configuration management and actions for both active and completed reviews.

Managing configurations

Go to Access Reviews > Configurations to view and manage all configurations:

  1. Search for a configuration or page through the list to review all configurations.

  2. Expand the actions menu (⠇) for the configuration to choose an action:

    • Details: View and manage active and completed reviews, or edit the configuration.

    • Create Schedule: Enable review creation on a schedule. See Schedule an Access Review.

    • Delete: Delete a configuration with no reviews.

    • Delete Schedule/Edit Schedule: Shown when a schedule is configured.

You can sort the list of configurations by name, last certified date, created date, and active or completed reviews.

Managing active reviews

Go to Access Reviews > Access Reviews to track the status of all active or completed reviews, and delete them if needed. You can also clone or export a completed review:

  • To see active reviews for all configurations, go to the Access Reviews page.

  • Click the review name or Open to open the rows in the reviewer's interface.

  • Expand the review actions menu (⠇) to choose an action:

    • Settings: Change the due date.

    • Clone: Create a new review with the same configuration.

    • Delete: Delete an active review.

    • Configuration Details: open the configuration to edit or view its associated reviews.

You can sort the list of reviews by publisher, publication date, description, last modified, rows completed, due date, started date, name, or status.

To view active reviews for a single configuration:

  1. Open the Configurations page.

  2. In the Configuration Details, scroll down to the Active Reviews section.

Managing completed reviews

To view completed reviews:

  • For a single configuration: go to the Configuration Details and open the Completed Reviews tab.

  • For all configurations: go to the Access Reviews page and open the Completed Reviews tab.

Completed review actions

Use the Actions menu to clone, export, or view stats for a completed review:

  • Clone: Create a new review with the same configuration.

  • Stats: Inspect detailed completion statistics:

    • Total rows not signed-off

    • Rows signed-off and accepted

    • Rows signed-off and fixed

    • Rows signed-off and rejected

    • Review status (completed or expired)

    • Date of review expiration or completion.

  • Export as CSV: Save the finished review's metadata in comma-separated value (CSV) format, suitable for converting to a spreadsheet.

  • Configuration Details: View active and completed reviews or edit the configuration.

Exporting reviews to CSV

Once a review is complete, you can export its details for archival purposes or import it into another application. Exporting review metadata is different from exporting review rows.

Click Export All on the Access Reviews page to download metadata for all active and completed reviews. CSV export includes the following columns:

  • Workflow Name

  • Workflow Id

  • Certification Id

  • Certification Name

  • Started At

  • Created By

  • Published At

  • Published By

  • State

  • Due Date

  • Expired At

  • Description

  • Notes

  • Completed At

  • Completed By

  • Total Rows

  • Total Completed

  • Total Remaining

  • Total Accepted

  • Total Rejected

  • Total Fixed

  • Last Modified At

  • Last Modified By

Last updated