Google Drive

Configuring the Veza integration for Google Drive

Early Access: Google Drive is available on-platform in Early Access. Please contact our support team to enable the integration.


The Veza integration for Google Drive discovers shared drives, folders, and permissions within Google Drive file systems.

How It Works

The integration uses a Google Cloud IAM service account to interact with the Google Drive v3 API, enabling it to list Shared Drives, Folders, and folder permissions. The service account needs to be added as a viewer to shared drives to retrieve listings and permissions. New drives the service account is a viewer on are extracted during data source discovery, which runs periodically after configuration.

Custom entity mapping:

  • Server: Google Workspace

  • Mount: Shared Drive

  • Folder: Folder

Drive and Folder Permissions

Google Drive has four roles that can be assigned to Shared Drives or Folders, and they are common between them. The role reference is as follows:

  • Organizer

  • File Organizer

  • Write

  • Commenter

  • Viewer

Note: The owner role is not currently supported.

Sharing permissions are associated with Google Workspace Users or Groups based on the role that identity has on the drive/folder.

Additionally properties are discovered for the sharing settings on the mount and drive:

  • domain_users_only: boolean indicating whether the drive/folder allows anyone in the domain access.

  • domain_role: string set with the domain shared role if shared.

  • shared_anyone: boolean indicating whether the drive/folder is shared with anyone with the link.

  • anyone_role: string containing the shared role if shared.

Shared Drive Sharing Settings

Google provides multiple settings that can be configured by an Administrator on a Shared Drive that can limit the sharing options and scopes for drives. Veza represents these as properties on each Shared Drive to allow for searching. The table below explains the relationship between the Google setting description and the Veza property.

Google Shared Drive SettingVeza PropertyValue when Checked

"Allow managers to modify shared drive settings"

Admin Managed Restrictions


"Allow people outside of {Organization Name} to access files"

Domain Users Only


"Allow people who aren't shared drive members to access files"

Drive Members Only


"Allow content managers to share folders"

Sharing Folders Requires Organizer Permission


"Allow viewers and commenters to download, print, and copy files"

Copy Requires Write Permission



Google Setup

Google Drive connector uses a Google Workspace user to perform discovery. Permissions are granted to Veza to assume this user via an OAuth flow. Integration capabilities depend on the Workspace user's role and the shared drives they can view:

  • If the Google User is a Super Admin, Veza can discover all Google Drives and permissions. If using a Super Admin, check the Domain Admin Access box when adding the integration to Veza.

  • If the user is not a Super Admin, then the user must be added as a viewer to each Google Drive the integration will discover.

  • To discover Folder permissions on a drive, the User must be added as a viewer to the drive, regardless of role.

To create an OAuth app, assign scopes, and retrieve the credentials:

  1. Log into Google Cloud Console

  2. Create a new project and select that project

  3. Navigate to APIs & Services

  4. Select Enabled APIs & Services from the left and click + Enable APIs and Services from the top to enable a new API

    1. Search for "Google Drive API", select it from the results, and select Enable

  5. Return to APIs & Services and select OAuth Consent Screen

  6. Select Internal for the App type and click Create

    1. Provide a name and the contact emails

    2. Click Save and Continue

    3. Click Add or Remove Scopes

    4. Add the scope

      1. The drive.readonly scope is required to list Shared Drives

    5. Click Save and Continue

  7. Return to APIs & Services and select Credentials

    1. Create credentials by click + Create Credentials and selecting OAuth Client ID

    2. Select Desktop App for Application Type and enter a name

    3. Download the JSON file from the creation modal

  8. Use the provided OAuth login tool to initiate an OAuth flow

    1. Run the tool with the credentials JSON downloaded above

    2. Follow the link printed by the tool and authorize using the Google User

    3. Copy the code from the redirected URL and paste it to the tool

    4. Copy the refresh token provided

OAuth Login Tool: Use the links below to download the appropriate file for your platform (Intel or ARM Mac, or Windows).

  1. Open your terminal and browse to the folder containing the tool and the JSON credentials file.

  2. Make the tool executable, e.g.: chmod 744 google-oauth-mac-arm64.

  3. Run it with the JSON credentials file from the previous steps: e.g. ./google-oauth-mac-arm64 credentials.json.

  4. Follow the on-screen instructions. The tool will generate a URL, open that URL in a browser, and login as the Google User to approve the connection. 5, The browser will redirect to a localhost URL which will return an error. Copy and paste the URL from the browser back to the tool running in the terminal. 6, The tool will return a refresh token string required for finishing the integration setup in Veza.

Configuring Google Drive on the Veza Platform

  1. In Veza, open the Integrations page.

  2. Click Add New and pick Google Drive as the type of integration to add

  3. Enter the required information and Save the configuration


Customer ID

Google Workspace ID


Credentials JSON file from Google Setup procedure

Refresh Token

Refresh token output from OAuth setup tool

Domain Admin Access

Check to use Domain Admin privileges during discovery (user must be Super Admin)

Drive Allow List

List of Drive names to discover, if provided drives that do not match this list will be ignored

Drive Deny List

List of Drives to exclude from discovery

Last updated