Edit a Configuration

How to edit an existing configuration for Veza Access Reviews.


Edit an Access Reviews configuration to change the scope, update default email notification settings, or customize the Orchestration Actions.

  • Editing notification settings and orchestration actions will cause any active reviews for that configuration to use the new settings.

  • Changing the query will have no impact on existing, active reviews. Saved changes will apply to any future scheduled or ad-hoc access reviews for that configuration.

Edit a review configuration

To update a configuration, open its details page:

  1. In Veza, go to Access Reviews > Configurations

  2. Search for the configuration to edit.

  3. Click on the configuration name or click Actions > Details.

  4. On the Configuration Details page, click the Edit button.

  5. Use the Edit Configuration page to update the details, scope, notification settings, or orchestration actions.

  6. Click Update Configuration to save your changes.

Last updated