OAA Operations

API calls for managing and updating custom data sources

Use these REST API calls to manage and update custom providers and data sources with Open Authorization API.

Create Custom Provider

Creates a custom provider and returns the provider ID.

List Custom Providers

Lists all configured custom providers.

Get Custom Provider by ID

Returns details for an individual custom provider.

Delete Custom Provider

Delete a custom provider by ID.

List Custom Provider Datasources

Return all data sources for a Custom Provider ID.

You can constrain large responses by adding a filter to the request query string. Include the operator (eq), and value, for example:

CURL <VEZA_URL>/api/v1/providers/custom?filter=name eq "GitHub"&order_by=state

Veza expects that spaces in URLS are encoded as "+" (for example?name+eq+"GitHub"&order_by=state). Note that some libraries and clients will encode spaces as "%2B" by default, which will cause errors unless you override this behavior.

Create Custom Provider Datasource

Register a new datasource for a custom provider. There can be more than one datasource for a single provider.

Get Datasource by ID

Returns details for a single datasource.

Delete Custom Provider Datasource

Unbind a datasource from a custom provider, and delete it.

Push Custom Provider Datasource

To push authorization metadata for a custom datasource, you can specify the source and provider IDs, and upload a payload with the entities and permissions in JSON format.

You can also use the push_csv endpoint to upload CSV data prepared with the expected

CSV Import columns.

A warning is returned if a matching identity can't be found for an IdP principal.


The populated template can be compressed and encoded, for significantly reduced payload size.

  • Specify the compression_type (NONE or GZIP).

  • If compression is selected, Veza will expect the payload json_data as a compressed, base64-encoded string.

To compress using shell commands:

cat payload.json | gzip | base64 -o json_data.b64

Size is typically not an issue when updating custom datasources. However, you may want to compress large payloads. The maximum body size is 100MB (compressed or uncompressed).

Escaping unsafe characters

Veza expects the populated template as a single JSON string, enclosed in the request body json_data field. Any "s and non-ASCII characters must be escaped.

To convert a template to JSON string using Python, the json.dumps() method could be used:

payload = {"id": provider_id,
           "data_source_id": data_source_id,
           "json_data": json.dumps(template_contents)
           "compression_type": "none"

Custom Provider Icons

You can optionally add an icon for your custom provider by uploading a PNG or SVG file (less than 64kb) as a base64-encoded string:

curl -X POST '{{VezaURL}}/api/v1/providers/custom/962d5eff-285c-4b08-a54e-400eead1e680:icon' \
-H "authorization: Bearer $API_KEY" \

Create Custom Provider Icon

Upload a custom icon to display for an OAA provider.

Get Custom Provider Icon

Return the type and string-encoded icon for a custom provider.

Delete Custom Provider Icon

Delete the icon associated with an OAA provider.

Last updated