Configuring the Veza integration for UKGPro

Early Access: The UKGPro integration is provided as an Early Access feature. Please contact our support team for more details


The Veza integration for the UKGPro workflow management platform connects to a single environment to discover employees, local users, and user roles. The integration provides visibility into user access to the UKGPro application and enables Veza to ingest HRIS employee data for Lifecycle Management.

Configuring UKGPro

Veza collects information from UKGPro by running a custom report to gather employee data and role information. Before configuring authentication credentials, create the Veza report using the steps and report definition below.

Creating the Report

  1. Download the Veza report template Veza_UKG_Report.xml.

  2. Log in as administrator, navigate to Menu -> Administration and select Business Intelligence

  3. From Explore Analytics create a new blank report by clicking New, selecting Report and selecting the Blank template before clicking OK

  4. From the toolbar click on Pages then right-click on Report then select Open report from clipboard

    1. Copy and paste the contents of the Veza report template into the box and click Ok

  5. After report validation is completed save the report by selecting Save as. Save the report under Team content and optionally create a new Veza folder.

  6. From Home click on the actions menu (three dots) for the newly created report and view Properties. Expand Advanced and not the ID for the report.

The following fields are included in the report


Employee Number

[Business Layer].[Employee].[Employee Number]

Job Title

[Business Layer].[Employee].[Job Title]

Job Group

[Business Layer].[Employee].[Job Group]

Supervisor Email

[Business Layer].[Employee].[Supervisor Email]

Middle Name

[Business Layer].[Employee].[Middle Name]


[Business Layer].[Employee].[Prefix]


[Business Layer].[Employee].[Suffix]

First Name

[Business Layer].[Employee].[First Name]

Last Name

[Business Layer].[Employee].[Last Name]

Preferred First Name

[Business Layer].[Employee].[Preferred First Name]

Email Address

[Business Layer].[Employee].[Email Address]

Alternate Email Address

[Business Layer].[Employee].[Alternate Email Address]

Location Code

[Business Layer].[Employee].[Location Code]

Employee Number (Supervisor)

[Business Layer].[Supervisor Information].[Employee Number (Supervisor)]

Org Level 1

[Business Layer].[Employee Organization Levels].[Org Level 1]

Org Level 2

[Business Layer].[Employee Organization Levels].[Org Level 2]

Org Level 3

[Business Layer].[Employee Organization Levels].[Org Level 3]

Org Level 4

[Business Layer].[Employee Organization Levels].[Org Level 4]

Company Code

[Business Layer].[Employee].[Company Code]


[Business Layer].[Employee Locations].[Location]

Last Hire Date

[Business Layer].[Employee].[Last Hire Date]


[Business Layer].[Employee].[EepPersonID]


[Business Layer].[User Roles].[Role]

Employee Name (Last Suffix, First MI)

[Business Layer].[Employee].[Employee Name (Last Suffix, First MI)]


[Business Layer].[Employee].[Company]

Employee Type

[Business Layer].[Employee].[Employee Type]

Cost Center (X)

[Business Layer].[Employee Pro Rated Pay].[Cost Center (X)]

Employment Status

[Business Layer].[Employee].[Employment Status]

Last Logon

[Business Layer].[Users].[Last Logon]

Configuring Authentication

  1. Log in as administrator, navigate to Menu -> System Configuration then select Web Services under the security section.

  2. Note the values displayed for User API Key and Customer API Key

  3. Note the base URL displayed next to Business Intelligence web service endpoint.

  4. Create a UKGPro Service Account Veza will use for discovery. Note the username and password. Assign the user the following permissions:

    1. Employee Person > View

    2. Employee User Defined Fields > View

  5. The Service Account will require access to Business Intelligence (BI), your company's SaaS Focal Contact must submit an administrative case in the UKG Community Library to request this.

For additional information on creating and managing service accounts including information on requesting BI access see Manage Service Accounts documentation.

Configuring UKGPro on the Veza Platform

Log in to Veza as an administrator to enable the UKGPro integration:

  1. In Veza, open the Integrations page.

  2. Click Add New and pick UKGPro as the type of integration to add

  3. Enter the required information and Save the configuration

    1. Service Url

    2. User Name

    3. Password

    4. Customer API Key

    5. User API Key

    6. Report ID

    7. IDP Types - Optional list of Identity Provider types to link Employees to. For multiple values use , supported values:

      1. okta

      2. azure_ad

      3. custom

      4. google_workspace

      5. one_login

Last updated