
oaaclient utility functions.

Copyright 2022 Veza Technologies Inc.

Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.

helper functions commonly used by OAA integrations

function log_arg_error

log_arg_error(log: object, arg: str = None, env: str = None)None

Helper function for logging errors when loading parameters

Helper function used to create consistent messages in connectors when required parameters can be set at command line or as environment variables.

Message can include information on parameter and/or environment variable but must provide one.


  • log (object): logging facility object to log to

  • arg (str, optional): Command line option for parameter such as --veza-url. Defaults to None.

  • env (str, optional): OS Environment variable for parameter such as VEZA_URL. Defaults to None.


  • Exception: if neither arg or env are supplied

function load_json_from_file

load_json_from_file(json_path: str)dict

Load JSON from file


  • json_path (str): path to JSON file on disk


  • Exception: Unable to process JSON

  • Exception: Error reading JSON file


  • dict: JSON decoded to dictionary

function encode_icon_file

encode_icon_file(icon_path: str)str

read an icon file to a base64 encoded string


  • icon_path (str): Path to icon file on disk


  • str: base64 encoding of file

function exists_in_query_array

exists_in_query_array(value_to_find, input_array)bool

function build_report

build_report(veza_con, report_definition: dict)dict

Creates or updates a Veza report from a dictionary

Creates a report and containing queries from a dictionary definition. Function will create any queries it does not find based on name. If a query with the same name already exists the existing query will be added to the report.

If a report already exists with the same name any missing queries will be added to the report.

report_definition must be a dictionary with name for the report and queries list of Veza query definitions:

{"name": "My Report", "queries": [{..},{...}]}


  • veza_con (OAAClient): OAAClient connection to make Veza API calls

  • report_definition (dict): Report definition


  • ValueError: Missing name or queries key


  • dict: API response from Report creation or update

function truncate_string

truncate_string(source_str: str, length: int = 256)str

Helper function to truncate strings

Helper function to truncate strings to conform to maximum length requirements for templates.

Returns a string that is the first N bytes of the source string


  • source_str (str): Source string to truncate

  • length (int, optional): Length to shorten to. Defaults to 256.


  • str: truncated string

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