Schedule an Access Review
Enable recurring access reviews for a review configuration.
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Enable recurring access reviews for a review configuration.
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While some reviews may be one-time procedures, you will typically want to conduct reviews on a schedule to proactively mitigate security risks and ensure that access is evaluated consistently over time.
In Veza, you can create a schedule for any saved review configuration. The cadence for new reviews can be biweekly, monthly, every other month, or every quarter, depending on your operational practices and compliance requirements.
Scheduled reviews can have auto-assigned reviewers, and can use Review Intelligence Policies to automatically act on results that have not changed since the last review.
You will need:
The administrator or operator role for viewing and managing review configurations.
An existing review configuration. See Create a Configuration for more details
To schedule reviews for a configuration:
Choose a configuration on the Configurations page. Click ⠇to expand the actions menu and choose Create Schedule.
Configure the schedule:
1.1 Add a Name and Description for the created reviews.
1.2 Assign one or more Default Reviewers for the review. These users can act on any row and reassign them to other users. By default, Veza will suggest default reviewers based on prior reviews for the configuration.
1.3. Pick a Frequency to create reviews.
Options are Weekly, Biweekly, Monthly, Every other Month, and Quarterly.
Check the Next Run On date below the form to preview when the review will run based on the current frequency and start date.
1.3. Pick a Start Date for the schedule.
1.4. Pick a Time to run review and the Time Zonewhen the review will be run.
1.5 Set the Review Duration. This is the number of days until the review expires at the specified time.
1.6. (Optional) Under Use Review Intelligence Policies, enable automation to apply decisions based on a filter or prior decisions.
1.7. Set Review Time Frame.
Each new Review runs the workflow query parameters against the most recent graph data, the latest graph snapshot, or can run against a historical snapshot.
Click View Datasource Statuses to inspect the current status of all Veza integrations involved in the query. Review the last sync time, status, and errors in the modal.
Click Save to create the schedule.
To edit a schedule later, find the configuration on the Configurations page and click Edit Schedule.