
Configuring notifications for Jira Cloud and Jira Data Center


You can use the Jira Orchestration Action to automatically create a ticket when Veza detects changes in relationships or properties of Authorization Graph entities. You can set Jira as the destination for alert notifications by configuring a Rule for a Saved Query. Access Reviews support Jira as a destination when a rejected row is signed-off, enabling other teams to track and follow up on remediation actions.


To configure the connection, you will need:

  • A Jira user with permission to create tickets in a specified project.

    • This user will also need permission to set any issue fields configured in the Additional Fields step.

  • A username for the Jira user.

    • In Jira Cloud, the username is the email address associated with the desired user.

    • In Jira Data Center, the username is not an email address. Jira Data Center APIs require the proper Username for the user.

  • An access token for the Jira user.

  • A Jira project code (such as EAC).

  • (optional) A Jira username of a user to assign tickets to. This can be the same as the user created for the Orchestration Action.

Configure Jira Orchestration Action

Add a connection to Jira Cloud or Data Center on the Veza Orchestration Actions page:

  1. Click Add Orchestration Action > Jira.

  2. Enter the required details:

    • Name (required): Friendly name to identify the connection on the Orchestration Actions page.

    • Host (required): URL of the Jira application, for example, https://your-org.atlassian.net.

    • Username (required): Jira username for creating tickets, set as the reporter in Jira.

    • Token (required): Jira API token for the Orchestration Action user.

    • Project (required): Project to create the issue (for example TMP).

    • Issue Type (required): Type of the created issue (e.g. bug).

    • Default Assignee (required): Jira username to assign tickets created by the Orchestration Action user.

  3. Click Next to configure optional Additional Fields.

    • System Fields are standardized Jira-defined fields (e.g. Component).

    • Custom Fields are unique to each Jira instance, with behavior defined by their individual custom field type.

  4. Click Next to test configuration. Click Create Orchestration Action to save it.

Limitations and troubleshooting:

  • An error will occur if your Jira configuration requires unsupported fields to create issues in a project.

    • Veza currently only supports a subset of System Fields and Custom Field Types. This subset is represented in the available selectors in the wizard.

  • Custom issue types are not currently supported. Issues can have any basic issue type (typically "Task" or "Bug").

Last updated