Microsoft AD

Adding on-prem AD to the Veza authorization graph

This topic is for legacy Active Directory Domain Services. Azure AD is automatically parsed for configured Azure tenants.

Veza discovers Active Directory entities and authorization by connecting as a read-only user with an LDAP certificate. To enable a secure connection to the AD Domain Controller, the integration is typically configured to use an Insight Point deployed within your cloud environment.

See Notes and Supported Entities for more detail on how Veza converts AD User properties for use in search filters or to refine Access Review queries.


To configure a new Active Directory integration, you will need the following:

  • Host and port for an AD Domain Controller (preferably the domain controller with the PDC emulator FSMO role role)

  • Username and password for Active Directory user with Read Only access to the Domain

  • The FQDN of the AD DS Domain.

  • LDAPS Enabled on the Domain Controller connecting to and the Root or Leaf Certification securing LDAPS on the AD DC.

  • An Insight Point with network connectivity to the AD DC (TCP 636) (see instructions for Docker-based deployment).

Get or Generate an LDAP certificate

If LDAPS is already enabled, Veza only requires the public certificate to validate the LDAPS Connection.

To get this certificate using python:

import ssl

host = "addc1.domain.local"

cert = ssl.get_server_certificate((host, 636))
path = f"{host.replace('.', '_')}.cert"

with open(path, "w", encoding="utf8") as file:

To retrieve an LDAPS certificate using openssl:

openssl s_client -showcerts -connect addc.domain.local:636

If LDAPS was not already enabled, follow the steps below to generate a new certificate that includes a Subject Alternative Name (SAN). To get a new certificate with certreq.exe:

Please only follow these instructions if you do not already have LDAPS enabled on your AD DC.

  1. Prepare the request.inf configuration file (see example below)

  2. Generate cert request from the .inf file: certreq -new request.inf request.req

  3. Submit the request to a CA (output is RequestID).

    certreq -submit request.req certnew.cer You might need to specify a Certificate Template as part of the submit command, for example: certreq -submit -attrib "certificatetemplate:webserver" request.req

  4. Use the Request ID number to retrieve the certificate: certreq -retrieve RequestID certnew.cer

  5. Accept the issued certificate: certreq -accept certnew.cer

The certificate must use the SAN, as shown in the [Extensions] block in the example configuration:


Signature="$Windows NT$"

Subject = ""

KeySpec = 1
KeyLength = 1024
; Can be 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, or 16384.
; Larger key sizes are more secure, but have
; a greater impact on performance.
Exportable = TRUE
MachineKeySet = TRUE
SMIME = False
PrivateKeyArchive = FALSE
UserProtected = FALSE
UseExistingKeySet = FALSE
ProviderName = "Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider"
ProviderType = 12
RequestType = PKCS10
KeyUsage = 0xa0


OID= ; Server Authentication

[Extensions] = "{text}"
_continue_ = ""

For more information see the Microsoft documentation to add a subject alternative name to a secure LDAP certificate.

Registering a new AD provider

Browse to Configuration > Identity Providers, click Add new, and select Active Directory from the dropdown.


Data Plane

Use the default selection unless using an Insight Point for the connection


Name to use for the AD connection in Veza


Network address for the Domain Controller to connect to


Port serving LDAPS (Default 636)


Active Directory user to bind to the LDAP Connection (Recommended to use the UserPrincipalName)


Password for the Active Directory user


The FQDN of the AD Domain (Only 1 can be listed)

AD domain fully qualified domain name for cert

Subject Name on the LDAPS Leaf Certificate, should be the AD DC FQDN

LDAP Certificate

SSL/TLS certificate used to establish the LDAP connection.

  • To connect to multiple AD domains, you will need add a new integration for each domain to discover.

  • LDAP Certificate and Password are secret, and will need to be re-entered if changing the Insight Point used for the AD integration.

  • You can see all extracted AD entities under Data Catalog > Entities. Veza-built queries for Active Directory can be found in Reports and on the Saved Queries page.

Notes and Supported Entities

  • Active Directory Domain

  • Active Directory Computer

  • Active Directory Group

  • Active Directory User

  • Active Directory Organizational Unit

  • Active Directory Managed Service Account

Veza discovers built-in attributes for Active Directory Users, which can be used to specify the scope of Access Reviews and filter search results. In some cases, Veza derives values from other properties, or changes AD property names for consistency with other integrations.

  • To discover custom properties created in Active Directory, specify them by name and type in the Custom Properties section when configuring the integration.

  • To discover additional built-in properties, please contact our support team with more detail about your case.

AttributeStandard AD User Property

Account Name


Account Type

objectClass (User Object)

Active Directory Domain

userPrincipalName (domain part)


l (City)

Common Name

cn (Common Name)



Country Code

c (Country Code)

Country Or Region

co (Country)

Created At






Display Name


Distinguished Name


Domain Admin

memberOf (Domain Admins group)



First Name


Given Name


Idp Unique Id


Is Active

userAccountControl (Active flag)

Is Locked

userAccountControl (Locked flag)

Job Title


Last Name

sn (Surname)

Lower Email

(Derived from mail attribute)



Manager Principal Name

(Derived from manager attribute)



Password Last Set


Physical Delivery Office Name


Postal Code


Primary Group Id




State Or Province Name

st (State)

Street Address


Sur Name

sn (Surname)



User Principal Name


User Password Expiration

(Derived from pwdLastSet and domain policy)

Full Admin

True when a given User is a member of either the Administrators or Domain Admins group

Last updated