
Changes in Veza release v2023.6.19


Bug Fixes

  • Box integration: Added retry logic for 503 status errors and improved parsing to handle additional error cases.

Search and Insights

New Features

  • Segregation of Duty (SoD) Analysis (Early Access): The Access Intelligence > Analysis page now includes an additional section for creating queries with complex "and"/"or" statements and condition groupings. This query mode can identify users that belong to one or more groups. This query mode can also identify users that can assume different roles (such as conflicting roles that violate certain SoD business rules). This query mode can also identify users that can have different effective permissions to different resources.


  • Report creators can now share reports and enable other Veza users to edit them by adding or removing owners in Edit Mode. Owners are now listed next to report titles on the Reports page. Note that reports set to private visibility are only visible to owners.

  • When using the Manage Exceptions action to add or remove several exceptions for a risk query at a time, a type column now indicates whether each result is currently an exception or a risk.

  • You can now always filter for effective or system permissions from the PERMISSIONS section of the Workflows, Graph, or Query Builder search bar. Before this update, this sometimes required adding an attribute filter on an intermediate "permission"-type entity.



  • Filtered and paginated Certification views now indicate the total number of results.

  • Improved performance when listing and updating Workflow results.

  • Reviewers accessing Certifications on mobile devices can now Re-assign Reviewers and use the (early access) Approve and Sign-Off action.

Bug Fixes

  • Attempting to exclude more than one tag with a key but no value now correctly selects all tags instead of clearing the tag selection.

  • Fixed an issue where custom smart actions failed to run if they included a mutable_filter

  • Fixed an issue with incorrect result counts when applying filters in mobile view.

  • Improved column naming logic for intermediate entity types. Before this update, some queries resulted in intermediate columns incorrectly named Intermediate Role <property-key> when the intermediate node was not a Role.

    • Intermediate column titles now default to Intermediate Node <property>.

    • Intermediate Local User name columns are now titled Local User ID.

    • Intermediate Role columns are now titled Intermediate Role.

Last updated