
Changes in Veza release v2023.5.22-1


  • When applying filters to date fields such as Created, operators now have an appropriate description (such as "On or Before" or "On or After").



  • When adding or cloning a report, users are now presented with a new Create Report wizard, offering an improved UX for selecting queries and replacing the old Edit Report interface.


Product name changes

  • Reduced and simplified some Access Workflows terminology:

  • (Main navigation) Renamed Governance to Workflows for clarity and alignment with functions.

  • (Workflow settings) Renamed Reminders to Reminders: Action Needed and Escalations to Final Reminders: Action Needed to better describe each email notification category.

  • (Workflow settings) Renamed Notifications to Collaborations to better reflect the collaborative nature and potential use cases for outbound integrations.


  • Administrators can now define pre-configured Smart Actions for reviewers using a preview API.

  • Added a preview API operation UpdateAwfHelpPageTemplate for modifying reviewer help pages.

Last updated