
Changes in Veza release v2024.8.26

Access Intelligence


  • EAC-38053 Quick Filters: You can now click the filter icon at the top of any Query Builder column to apply a filter on that source or destination attribute.

  • EAC-36708 Open in Graph: When Summary Entities are selected in Query Builder, the Open in Graph action now enables opening all results in Authorization Graph, or an individual entity (from the entity details view). Note that summary entities are not included in the Graph query when using this option.

Bug Fixes

  • EAC-37518 Segregation of Duties (SoD) : Fixed an issue with using breadcrumbs to navigate to the previous page after using Open in Analysis option to edit a saved query using the SoD builder.

Access Reviews


  • EAC-38052 Manager Portal: The Direct Report filter on the Quick Review page now uses auto-complete to suggest users.

Lifecycle Management


  • EAC-38078 SCIM: Added support for OAA-based SCIM integrations as provisioning and deprovisioning targets.

  • EAC-38004 Access Profiles: LCM Access Profiles can now be created and viewed by non-root teams.

  • EAC-37809 Graph Navigation: From the Identity page, you can now navigate directly to graph to show that entity's relationships.

Bug Fixes

  • EAC-38123 Attribute Syntax: Fixed an issue with AD manager attribute sync during deprovisioning.

Veza Integrations


  • EAC-38165 HiBob: New integration for the HiBob HRIS provider, with the option to enable as a Lifecycle Management identity source.

  • EAC-37814 Privacera: You can now specify an optional CA Cert and URL when configuring the Privacera integration.

  • EAC-37929 SwiftConnect: Veza now assigns Access Levels (roles) to Access Profiles (users), instead of directly assigning Access Credentials.

  • EAC-37924 SQL Server: Veza now gathers and shows permissions on system databases such as master, model, msdb, tempDB, and resourceDB.

Veza Platform

New Features

  • EAC-38036 API Keys: Added a programmatic_key_manager role for programmatic API key generation (Early Access).

Last updated